Saturday 1 September 2012

Asian treats

Faced two temptations today, in the form of a shopping trip with my Auntie Pam and a Chinese with Joel's dad and brother. But to my utter delight, I was able to swerve both of them - utilising the healthy options available and Flexible Syns.

Started off the day with 3 hours of overtime at work, before meeting Auntie Pam for lunch. We opted for "Tampopos," an East-Asian kind of place I'd never been before. Well, it was absolutely AMAZING. Had a lovely catch-up with Auntie Pam over Diet Coke, and a BEAUTIFUL Vietnamese dish called "Pho," which consisted of chunky noodles in an Asian stock, topped with sliced chicken breast and Star Anise - and a side dish of spring and red onions, which I tipped into the noodle soup for more flavouring. An absolute DELIGHT.

Followed lunch up with some Body Magic - trotting round the shops for hours (and surrepticiously buying her birthday present while her back was turned!) until we were joined by Mum in the afternoon. Tricked a perfume assistant into giving me a free sample bottle of Miss Dior, which smelt HEAVENLY (nothing to do with dieting, I know, but just thought it was worth mentioning) and ended up in Kendals, admiring the frocks. And I'm telling you, if anything inspired me that day, it was admiring the gorgeous, flattering, truly beautiful dresses that I knew I could wear one day - whether in 6 months, or a year's time.

In true Auntie Pam-style, we wound up in the the Champagne bar for a little post-shopping tradition, at only 4 Syns each, thank God! Still, it felt amazing to have a Kir Royale again.

That evening, Joel's dad and brother came round with his birthday present for our monthly Chinese takeaway (we'd shuffled the birthday buffet to tomorrow instead, and cancelled the Indian meal) - so I made an effort and ordered a healthy Prawns in oyster sauce, Fried rice, and one slice of Prawn Toast (I'm a complete sucker for prawns) - at a virtuous 6 Syns in total! Only problem was that Joel's dad had brought a lovely bottle of red wine round, which I couldn't really refuse - although I cursed myself for every one of the 6 Syns I drank. Oh well! Had a wonderful evening, it really was a great end to a perfect day.

BODY MAGIC: Walking from shop to shop for 3 hours

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