Wednesday 5 September 2012

Illness does NOT equal weakness!

Despite routine and forward planning being a staple of this whole life-style change, I ended up becoming pretty poorly over the last few days - possibly a result of over-working and a drastic lifestyle/diet change, which culminated in me having to phone in sick today. Rather adorably, Joel did the same in order to look after me - so was a good oppurtunity to lie in bed for hours, demanding Lemsips. Not to mention being able to plan more meals, copy out more recipes, and read all those SW magazines at my leisure.

I must admit - I've become a complete fanatic for the SW magazines in the past few days. Since I borrowed Mum's back catalogue the other day and spent almost ALL day reading them, I'm now completely obsessed. Particularly with the inspirational stories - picturing myself one day as a Cover girl. Although it does annoy me slightly when reading about a woman who says she's lost about 6 stone - right before noticing the "Before" photo, which depicts a perfectly normal, healthy-looking person. I realise that everyone has their own journey to go on, but it doesn't make me feel any better when my Target size is the one I'm looking at in somebody's "Before" photo. As bad as it sounds, I prefer the ones where people are REALLY overweight, to the point of having problems. Because reading then that they lost it all in 18 months? THAT'S what inspires me. And that's the kind of story that really makes me believe. Because if they can do it, I certainly can.

Back to today - Joel persuaded me to leave the house for a little fresh air, so off we went, in pursuit of medication. Only problem is, he then bought me a Subway for lunch; "to make you feel better." Bless him. Whilst it was a slight mistake, I never tried to stop him - and I really did feel better afterwards. But instead of sinking into a junk-food-depression, I resolved to spend the rest of the day being healthy...... and so spent all afternoon preparing two delicious and completely Free teas: Smoked Salmon Terrine and French Onion soup. To my surprise, they were incredibly easy to make and it felt good to focus on something other than my illness.


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