Monday 3 September 2012

Post-birthday fun times


GET IN!!! So in 2 weeks I've lost an amazing 5 pounds. And DAMN, it feels good. Not physically - truth be told, I don't feel the slightest bit different and don't remotely understand why people say they do. But am very proud of myself, as are several friends and family members!

In continuing with Joel's birthday celebrations, he and I booked today off work, and so did a little Body Magic by going for a lovely long walk around town - particularly Deansgate and Spinningfields. Went to Nando's for lunch - got a sharing platter which involved Chicken and chips for Joel, Chicken and Salad for me..... same as Tampopos, it just felt amazing to be eating out in town and not having to worry about any of it.

Got back home and did our first Unbelievably-Healthy-Big-Shop - I won't lie, as much as I'm not a veggie woman, it was fantastic to see our trolley piled high with greenery and fresh ingredients, as opposed to ready meals, pizza, crisps, cheese and bread. Oh, and chocolate! Finally, our shopping trolley looked like that of two professional adults - and not of two children who've just discovered independance.

Skipped tea tonight, as we were having a Taster evening to welcome new members (and celebrate Ellen - our target member's - 92nd birthday!). Got weighed and cheered so loud I made the nearest 2 members jump - before stocking up on Hi Fi bars (my godsends!) and this months SW magazine.

BODY MAGIC: Walking through town for 2 hours

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