Wednesday 26 September 2012

The Blakely Housewife

Back to work today, after a lovely long day off. Have discovered that a little Body Magic (by which I mean about 2 mins of gentle exercise) of a morning helps get rid of the aches and pains I tend to wake up with. Other than that it was a nice normal day - one of those blissfully non-descript ones that tend to fly, so the next thing you know you're stepping through your front door, despite it only being Lunch what seems like 15 minutes ago.

Had a lovely walk at lunch with Joel - only about town, but made a bit of a mistake in the morning and picked up a Reduced-Fat Prawn sandwich for lunch. Thought I'd be OK, as it contained Free prawns, light mayo, and could use the oatmeal bread as a Healthy Extra B. Imagine how stunned I was when I checked the back of my book and found out that the sandwich was actually 13.5 SYNS. Couldn't bloody believe it. I was completely thrown, and just wanted to bring it back up, just so I could try doing lunch again. But bulimia aint my style, so just gritted my teeth, and resolved to be extra good the rest of the week.

Oh well, tea was fine, at last. Made my favourite Cheesy Pasta (I know, twice in a week, but the basil was wilting!) - and started as soon I got home, so when Joel came in, I was stood in a lovely tidy house, in a sparkling clean kitchen, cooking a beautifully-smelling tea. OK, so it sounds unbelieveably cliche'd, and exactly the opposite of what I want to be as a woman (I'm certainly no 50's-style housewife, that's for sure) - but it felt nice to go old-school, just for one night, at least. And there's definately something to be said for keeping our house tidy, clean and organised - feels like it ties in with the organisational skills I've acquired through Slimming World so far.....

PS: Yesterday's cupcakes!


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