Tuesday 18 September 2012

Back on track!

In the end, I opted for Chicken Liver Pate. And it turned out to be absolutely STUNNING. Only took about 15 mins to make, as well. Still can't believe it's Free - I was practically licking the spoon half way through......

Had Mum to thank for that, who gave me the recipe last night. So that's currently settling in the fridge, along with the chocolate and vanilla Ice Pops I prepared on Sunday - which were absolutely delicious AND only half a syn each (found the recipe in the August magazine)! Tomorrow night I'm going to make SW vanilla ice-cream in the blender, and have planned some delicious Free teas for the week (thanks to that Market trip for fish and meats) which feels pretty good. I do love being organised! Not to mention getting my cooking groove back - if you count ice pops and pate as "cooking!"


Today was quite good. Leapt straight back on track by getting a 3 for £5 deal on boxes of fruit (well, one fruit salad and 2 "Berry Medleys" - despite the fact that the so called Berry Medley contained grapes.....) from the Co-Op, so could sit there nibbling on fruit everytime I wanted a snack. Still can't REMOTELY comprehend how people on SW say they ENJOY eating fruit as a snack - sweet as the fruit was, every second annoyed me and felt like a total chore. And I got hungry about 10 mins afterwards. Oh well. Takes getting used to, I guess. Can always wash it down with water, as long as it gets in my body somehow.

Tea was pretty gorgeous, if I do say so myself! Was told how to poach an egg at work and was asked by Joel to incorporate the soon-to-be-expired smoked salmon into tea tonight - so made Poached Egg and Salmon on toast - using 2 slices of wholemeal bread as my Healthy Extra B choice. Even got my Syns for this evening all allocated and planned - it's quite nice knowing what I can have without using more than 10!

So, all is well and organised in the O'Connor-Moore household. Let's hope it lasts the week!

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