Monday 17 September 2012

Beside the Seaside!


Shit. That's all that can be said, really. I don't know why I'm surprised. I had an awful weekend. Well, not true - I had an AMAZING weekend, but in Slimming World terms, my weekend was appalling.

I could spend ages relieving how brilliant it was in a blow-by-blow account, but this is only a food diary. Suffice to say:


My workplace threw a "Recognition event" (to thank us for hard work)

It was at the Palace Hotel and the theme was "Beside the Seaside" - which meant free ice cream, popcorn, candyfloss and donut stalls...... and a Fish n chips buffet.

Prizes for all the games were drink tokens - which meant I barely spent a penny all night, but said drink tokens only extended to beer and wine. I basically drank ALL the wine. But won a LOT of games, and partook in lots of Body Magic by riding a bucking surfboard, dancing my little heart out, and beating several big blokes from Servicing at the Test Your Strength game. Felt very satisfying to hear the weight hit the bell - not to mention a teammate took a VERY flattering photo of me in my outfit, holding the hammer. In fact, it's the first photo I've seen of myself that didn't make me wince, so that's good news!

To cure my hangover the morning after, Joel stood me a Macdonald's after dragging my hungover ass to Bury so we could visit the market. I did get to meet Martin Platt from Corrie, though!

In the evening, we went out with his mates for a birthday/leaving do, which meant I drank again AND had buffet for tea.
I then fell into the CLASSIC "oh screw this, I've already failed, I'm going to eat ALL the sandwiches, paninis, bread and chocolate for 2 days straight" trap (NB: I didn't eat these together)

So, whilst I knew all this was making me fail, I was still horrified and upset when I got weighed. Even more so when Joan told everyone HOW MUCH I'd gained during Image Therapy. REALLY didn't need that.

Anyway, I've decided to do the "Sucess Express" for this week - which involves reducing my Syns from 15 to 10 a day, and eating a SHITLOAD more fruit/veg/Superfree foods every day, to speed up my weight loss. Spoke to Louise and Alex on Skype again (both had amazing losses, but don't really want to think about it right now, as I'll get jealous!) who were very upbeat and certainly cheered me up about my horrific gain. So it's all hands back on deck, starting tomorrow. At least I have no more social engagements to distract or trip me up, until Joel and I go away on the 5th October. And Mum's even lent me a food processor for the week, so will have to see what yummy things I can make that need blending!

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