Thursday 6 September 2012

Burger Queen

Went back to work today, feeling tons better after lots of rest, healthy food and a nice hot shower. Jumped right back into my usual (well, now!) diet with Apples and Hi Fi bars for snacks and salad for lunch. Hand-made the most BEAUTIFUL Garlic and Chilli Burgers for tea, topped with a slice of cheese for the Healthy Extra A choice:


Obviously, they looked better cooked, but I was unable to photograph them due to mutual enthusiasm of eating the damned things! Joel LOVED them, which was the most important thing - and he agreed that, for once, I'd just used the perfect amount of chilli flakes...... being that I usually completely overdo it and set several mouths on fire!

So, all very happy in the O'Connor-Moore household this evening. I've said it before, but my love of cooking really has been re-ignited. It's so much fun to really PREPARE something and put work into it, as opposed to taking 10 minutes to just re-heat a meal.

Oh, and I've found some cracking "Before" photos for when (I refuse to tempt fate with the word "if") I become a SW Cover Girl and they print my story.

Goodnight, all!

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