Tuesday 4 September 2012

Holiday talks

Woke up feeling absolutely rotten this morning. I wasn't too well yesterday either, but just put it down to having a busy weekend - whereas this is full-on headaches, aching joints, coughing, sore throat, et al. Tried to force it away through the power of health by scoffing apples, salad for lunch, and that old nourishing favourite - Cheesy Pasta - for tea.

Sadly, the dish was so damned delicious and popular, I was only able to photograph half of it, in the end! But definately worth the preparation time - and I promise a photo and recipe will be coming soon!

Had my weekly Skype meeting with Louise and Alex to discuss how well we're all doing - proud to report we've ALL had losses this week! So it's definately working. Have promised to email the general basics of SW to them, so they can follow it themselves, and got Louise's address so I can post them anything useful! Had to make the video call from under a duvet sniffling, but it was fun talking to them again. And similar to Mum's revelatory statement the other night, Louise pointed out that if we lost 1 pound a week for a YEAR - that by September 2013, we would each be 3 and a half stone lighter!! So we're going to reward ourselves with a girly holiday upon reaching 4 stone - and whoever gets there first gets to name the holiday destination as a prize. Is that an incentive, or what? I've got my eye on Dubai...... luxury hotels, fawning waiters, and PLENTY of pampering!

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