Sunday 23 September 2012

Barbeques and Bathrooms

Had quite a stressful one, today. As we're due a new bathroom to replace our shockingly peach-coloured 70's-esque one, Joel and I enlisted the help of my family and godparents to go pick ours out at Stax today. Unfortunately, this involved my godmother wanting a good look at our new house, so had to spend ALL yesterday tidying up - a task severely hindered by me acquiring a twisted knee in the morning. Anyway, I soldiered on and Body-Magicked my way all around a tidied house and did us proud upon viewing today - after stashing our new bathroom in the garage, of course. And thanks to my knee, I was expressly forbidden from any heavy lifting/carrying today. SCORE!!

This afternoon wasn't quite so successful, sadly. At Joel's starving insistence, we ended up grabbing a Subway for lunch - although it WAS tremendously enjoyable eating it and relaxing all afternoon in our newly spring (or Autumn) cleaned house!

Spent the evening at my friend Andrea's, celebrating her birthday/house warming. Was very good and stuck to only 2 Malibu and Diet Cokes all night. Unfortunately, the BBQ was very prominently featured, and so ended up with a garlic burger and lincolnshire sausage. Oh well. I wasn't even sorry, it tasted amazing and definately worth breaking a few rules for.

Me and Andrea

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