Monday 10 September 2012




Ahem, please forgive the orgy of capitals. But, as you may have guessed, I had rather a success tonight. And quite frankly, I am stunned. Especially after that disastrous weekend I just had, I was no WAY expecting a loss. Or not a loss like that, maybe just a tiny half-pound or something. But no, there it was, on the scales in front of me - 16st 12lb.

It was strange, really. It sort of came as a shock, but not totally. I don't know - for some reason I was half expecting a gain/maintain, but in the back of my mind, subconciously, it felt like this week would be the one where I lost 2 pounds. It felt inevitable somehow, after all my goal-setting and planning, that today would be the day I reached Half a Stone.

And there was no smoke without fire, either. Because in the afternoon leading up to Group, I had four - count them - FOUR people telling me I look like I've lost weight. How great is that?! Although I'm still TOTALLY unable to spot any difference in my own physique - I didn't believe any of them. I thought they were just attempting to placate or motivate me with empty words.

With the first one, I just shrugged him off when he told me "this isn't a come-on, but from a distance you looked like you've slimmed down." With the second, I laughed when he stood above me at my desk and said "you look like you've lost some off your face." With the third (my brother) when we greeted each other back home, I laughed and joked that our parents must have promted him to tell me "you can tell you've lost it." And by the time my godmother was telling me "your bum's disappearing!" as we headed up the stairs to Group, I was ready to believe them all. So there you have it. I guess Half a Stone really DOES make a difference!

Once again, I cheered as I got weighed. But rather cruelly, decided to withhold the news from Mum, so I could see her face when I got my award, instead. So when people asked, I told them about the 2 pound loss, but made them swear not to tell Mum. When Mum finally asked me herself, face all lit up with anticipation, I forced myself to look disheartened and told her I had simply maintatined. And boy, did I feel bad when she gave me a huge hug, told me not to be diappointed and that I can always start again. Rebecca (who sits next to me) was trying to smother her giggles, as I told her I was mad at myself, but "at least it's still something to aim for." Felt a tad guilty, but it definately paid off when Joan read out the names of people who'd won Half-Stone awards this week. Seeing Mum's face go from Confusion to Annoyance (at suspected admin error) and then to Shock and Joy as I shouted "Surprise!!" was completely worth it. "But you said you Maintained!" she said. "I lied," I shrugged, happily. "Fooled you!"

Again - totally worth it. And having people come up to me telling me how impressed they were with Half-a-Stone-in-3-weeks never ONCE got old.


Aside from that, it was a pretty normal day. Went back to work, had Healthy Extras as my snacks and my usual chicken and bacon salad for lunch (with hot chicken, mmmm.....). Was on a Long Monday today (where I finish at 6 instead of 5) so had to haul ass straight to Mum and Dad's afterwards, where my coat and bag were ripped off and a Mugshot forced on me before leaving. Didn't have any tea when I got home, as the Mugshot made me feel bloated and queasy after having such a large salad for dinner, but Mum sent me home with a portion of chicken, spinach and tomato curry, which I'm really looking forward to!

Skyped Louise and Alex who both had losses too, so all very happy in Virtual Slimming World! Calculated that with our consecutive weight losses (5, 2.5 and 7) we had lost just over a stone in total between us, which definately put a few things in perspective!

So all in all, an amazing day. And that's one of my goals, done and dusted! Have put my target down for next week as a further 2 pounds, but not sure if that's just wildly optimistic after a lucky beginning. Who knows? Just can't wait to reach my 1st stone - don't think I've ever lost a stone since I started putting on weight. Oh well, one goal down......!

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