Monday 24 September 2012

Success Express


As it must be an extremely dull experience to hear me expressing all my surprise, gratitude, happiness and joy at a weight loss every time it happens, I'm going to refrain from all the usual shouting and wordy nonsense. Suffice to say, I'm thrilled to be "back on track" as they say at Group. Must admit, I was a little surprised at such a big loss (after this weekend) and simultaneously disappointed that it wasn't the full 2.5 I gained last week. But at least I had a loss. So the lesson we've leant this week: NO MORE DRINKING BINGES!! Not a problem, I'm sure..... I seem to have zero social life at the moment - I don't mean that in a self-pitying way, just that Life seems to keep me very busy as the moment.

Anyway, I also decided to take the "Success Express" as you may remember - which involved cutting my Syns down to 10 a day and eating more fruit. Well, as you can see for yourself - IT WORKS. I'm fairly sure it wasn't just luck - and that scranning fruit like there's no tomorrow EVERY SINGLE DAY seems to have it's merits after all. I'm not normally a huge fan of fruit, but I finally found several I could tolerate: Apples, Blackberries, Raspberries, Grapes and Strawberries. So Joel and I have made a slight change to our morning route now - instead of getting into town and walking to work (stopping at a greasy spoon for a sausage and egg butty on Fridays), we now nip in the local Co-Op and I stock up on the aforementioned "Berry Medley" boxes. Which apparently contain 2 of my 5-a-day. Wooooo!! Wish I could get more blackberries in them, but they must be pretty rare, I guess.

Anyway, after a normal day at work, "getting back on track" with my Healthy Extras and tons of fruit, I hightailed it to Mum and Dad's for a quick snack of Chicken Pate (!) and crispbread before Group. And you know the rest..... So I'm now at 6.5 pounds less - or, the equivalent of an Argos catalogue and a bag of sugar!

Have started sitting next to a girl my age called Rebecca who's the daughter of an old colleague of Mum's - after Mum told me to chat to her a bit (she comes to Group on her own). To be honest, forced friendship isn't my idea of fun, not to mention I'm more at home in the company of men than women..... mainly because you don't have to launch into hair/clothes/man-related "girl-talk" within seconds of meeting to create a good impression. But Rebecca KICKS ASS. Main reason being that she's a refreshing change from the constant "cheerleading" style of Group. Whilst it's great to be in such a positive environment once a week, sometimes it can be a bit too much. Hearing how "you can do it!" and "you're fabulous!" is all well and good, but when you're feeling down, you've seen someone in the street looking like sex-on-legs in the exact same dress you're wearing or you've gained weight/lost a tiny amount, it doesn't always help. Rebecca is the personal embodiment of that little voice in the back of my head, the one who agrees with you, who doesn't think it's fair that weight takes a while to come off, who moans about the hard work and planning involved, and just wants nothing more than to scran a pizza/chocolate and half a bottle of wine of a Friday evening. So we certainly have a lot of fun giggling together during Image Therapy, which makes it more enjoyable. And together we worked out that it will take a loss of at least 2 pounds a week for me to hit a stone by my birthday. Bring it on!

Had a lot of fun Skype-ing with Louise and Alex at home, comme d'habitude. Louise had a loss and Alex maintained, so overall we're still doing pretty well - and have lost a combined weight of 1.5 stone between the 3 of us! And Louise, brain-box that she is, has made a spreadsheet of our weight loss so we can see the visual representation of how well we're doing. Yay!!

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