Friday 7 September 2012

Zumba bunnies

God, I am SHATTERED. Mum asked me to a "Zumba Party" one of her friends runs, so had to tag along. It was all very fun - authentic Jamaican drummer guy accompanying the music, that gloriously nostalgic school-gym-hall smell, the dancing. But I'm completely exhausted. It was weirdly easy enough to slot back into doing exercise (after barely ever doing ANY) but by the end the sweat was pretty much POURING off me. Mind you, seeing Mum getting complimented on how much "energy" she has (this is the woman who used to refuse bike rides and swimming pools) was definately something of an inspiration, not to mention she's looking thinner by the day. Except when she looks in the mirror, she still sees her huge belly from 2 years ago. How is that possible, I wonder? To lose SO much weight, and yet still think you look the same? I know I'm currently like that, but that's 5 measly pounds, not 3 and a half stone. I wonder how long it'll be before I notice a difference? 1 stone? 2? Ah, who knows.

Anyway, Mum cooked us tea - as I went straight to hers and Dad's after work - which was a delicious bacon and potato omlette with spaghetti hoops - all Free as usual! So that was kind of a relief - not having to cook tea for a change. Certainly a nice break. All I need to do now is figure out what to make tomorrow. Have Overtime 10-3pm both Saturday and Sunday, so can maybe pick up some nice ingredients in town, or see what we have in. Either way, I'm determined to knock off the remaining 2lbs that stands between me and my Half Stone award by Monday. Hopefully the Zumba class will have sped it along.......

As to the rest of today, well, nothing interesting happened. Got propositioned by a friend to join him for our traditional Friday trip to "Lloyds" for lunch - only to discover that our favourite meal of Nachos and Rose wine would equal a combined total of about 40 Syns. So we sacked it off and opted for a canteen salad again, instead. Oh well, can't argue with quality!

Joel's talking about us possibly joining a gym together - a good idea, if I can only get my head around the idea of him continuously seeing me at my worst. The man won't even HUG me when I'm mildly sweaty, what would seeing me in "Exercise Mode" be like?? Anyway, we scoped out a place in Spinningfields, and are looking at other options. Even if we just go 3 times a week, we can still motivate each other, I guess.

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