Wednesday 28 November 2012

The making of a bridesmaid

Yesterday, I got some news. The best news ever. And since it links SLIGHTLY to my ongoing battle for weight loss, I thought it warranted a mention on this humble blog.

Louise - my friend, who I've known for 14 years since that first month of high school - my fellow warrior on the path to slimness...... is GETTING MARRIED!!!

Found out last night, as I was dropping off to sleep. My phone buzzed, and reluctant as I was to check it, Joel convinced me it might be important. And boy, was it. Short and sweet, all it said was this:

"Will you be my bridesmaid? :-D"

She'd texted me from holiday, where presumably Mark (her partner of 5 years) had proposed. Naturally got very excited, and a texting flurry began. So there you have it. If I didn't have enough already, an extra incentive to lose as much weight as possible, in order to look beautiful in a bridesmaid's dress. Got very giddy at the thought of dress fittings and hen parties, spa breaks and rehearsals with my friends...... all of us slimmer, healthier and on the road to success!

It still hasn't sunk in yet. Needless to say, keep getting randomly giggly and smiley at the thought of not only Louise's happiness, but also of walking down the aisle in a stunning dress, my hair and make-up professionally done, posing for photographs. I suppose that sounds a bit vain, but who DOESN'T like to look good?

And it certainly takes my mind of the fact that Joel bought us Subways for tea tonight, and I didn't say no. But in all fairness, I've saved my Syns so far this week and had plenty to spare. Was originally saving them for my favourite annual treat (a Nutella pancake and and a hot dog) at the Christmas market on Sunday, when Joel and I are going with his dad and brother. But we've decided to take them to Tampopo's for tea afterwards, so I shouldn't be filling up on rich snacks beforehand. So, a perfect excuse not to indulge, followed by one of my favourite Free meals afterwards! Perfect.

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