Monday 26 November 2012

Slight disappointments


Yep, it seems that even after a week of sticking RELENTLESSLY to Food Optimising, following Slimming World better than I've ever done in my life and generally being healthy as all hell - it doesn't make too much of a difference. It feels like all of it was for nothing and that I might as well have had all those extra Syns I really wanted this week.

That's what I thought, originally, after finding out about my pathetic, and practically microscopic loss.

I went into Group tonight on Cloud 9. Genuinely looking forward to it, thrilled in myself at the amazing week I had had, excited about being weighed for the first time in ages. At first I'd GAINED half a pound, but once I did a quick dress-swap with Mum (out of the slightly heavier clothes I was wearing today) it was revealed to actually be a loss. But still - half a measley pound??! Was pretty pissed off at first, until everyone reassured me that it's more likely that my body doesn't know it's Monday yet, and that I'm probably still catching up from my awesome week. So, most likely (as long as I stick to it this week too) I'll have an amazing loss next Monday instead, which I guess is something to cling on to! And as we all know, Slimming World logic more often than not doesn't make ANY amount of sense. So, you know...... whatever. I'll just take it as it comes, and pray for losses every week, beavering away towards the goal. At least I'd be getting healthier.

On the bright side, my 8 pound loss last week meant that I was able to be entered into the Free end-of-year raffle 8 times, not to mention getting 8 shots at the win-a-bottle-of-champagne-for-Christmas game as well! Sadly, I didn't win Slimmer of the Week - due to not having a loss BEFORE my highest-in-the-group loss last week, or whatever the hell the rules are. Apparently, if I lose the most in the group NEXT week, I'd win Slimmer of the Week because I had a loss this week (ie: the week before). Confusing!

So, I've got my week prepared and am raring to go. Going to try harder than ever, whilst doing the same as usual - relentlessly planning Free meals for tea and eating the remains for lunch. Writing EVERYTHING in my Food Diary for Joan by day, and blogging by night. I'm going to the German Christmas Markets on Sunday with Joel and his family, so planning to save up loads of Syns throughout the week, so I can enjoy my annual Bratwurst hot dog/Nutella pancake treat. And have persuaded the Moore men to try Tampopo's for tea after all the walking around, so still a nice Free yummy meal on a Christmas day out. Exciting times!!

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