Friday 16 November 2012

RECIPE: Rosemary/Garlic steak with roast potatoes

This, sadly, is one of those pesky recipes (I'm looking at you, Red Pepper Casserole) that takes over an hour to make. But it's so worth it, particularly nice if you're feeling flush and happen to have a few steaks lying around the freezer. Not to mention, it's incredibly convinient to have a spare hour if - like me - you tend to leave the washing up and making tomorrow's lunch until 5 minutes, and need some spare time to do it! 
(DISCLAIMER: As I'm terrible at measurements, quantities etc.... they're not always accurate. My recipes are always to serve 2 - just use your own common sense. If you make too much, freeze some for another day. If you make too little - learn for next time!)


2 sirloin steaks
2 garlic cloves (crushed)
4 potatoes (peeled and cubed)
Fry Light
Mixed herbs




Marinate steaks with Rosemary and Garlic (no set time limit, but the longer the better for the steak to soak up the flavours)
Boil the cubed potatoes in a saucepan for about 10-15 minutes. When done, drain and spread over a baking tray. Sprinkly liberally with Mixed Herbs and spray all over with Fry Light - before putting in the oven for 45 mins (thank Joel for this little tip - the tastiest and healthiest way to make FREE Roast Potatoes!)
Right before the potatoes finish, cook the steaks in Fry Light for 2-3 minutes on each side, over a High heat. SERVE.

Sadly, it was so yummy, I was unable to take a full photo before digging straight in! But you get the picture. Seriously, try it - it's such a treat and packed full of flavour.

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