Tuesday 13 November 2012

RECIPE: Red Pepper Chicken Casserole

So, after the Monday-from-Hell, I decided not to quit. Because that way I'd end up doing exactly what I did last year - quitting, packing on all the weight I lost, and feeling exactly as bad as I did last time. Well, no more excuses, and no more quitting. This time I'm getting back on track and sticking to it - even if I only lose half a pound a week, that's still a stone and a half in a year. And that's still something.
Anyway, getting back to my getting-back-on-track, tonight's meal was Red Pepper Chicken Casserole, a recipe I got from one of the many Slimming World magazine.  And it is absolutely goddamn DELICIOUS! Not to mention easy - you can eat it on it's own or with anything. For example, in this, I added Pasta for more substance.
(DISCLAIMER: As I'm terrible at measurements, quantities etc....   they're not always accurate. My recipes are always to serve 2 - just use your own common sense. If you make too much, freeze some for another day. If you make too little - learn for next time!)
Fry Light
2 chicken breasts
2 garlic cloves
1/2 onion
2 Red peppers (de-seeded and sliced)
25g Serrano (or Proscuitto) ham
Chopped tomatoes
200ml Chicken stock
Pinch of chilli flakes
The end of a Chilli (chopped and de-seeded)
Fry the chicken, garlic, and onions in Fry Light for 5 minutes in a casserole dish
Add the ham and peppers and fry for a further 2 minutes
Add the tomatoes, stock, chopped potatoes, thyme, chilli and flakes. Stir and bring to the boil
Cover, reduce the heat and cook for 1 hour, stirring throughout
Meanwhile, cook pasta in boiling water. Add the the mix and SERVE.

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