Saturday 24 November 2012

An excellent week

So, today's post is going to be an absolute EXTRAVAGANZA of photos. Mainly of things I forgot to post earlier, combined with some actual photos taken of me today! But that's another story......

Firstly, forgot to mention, I received this on Monday:

A lovely ornamental stone, to symbolise my first Stone loss. So far, I've taken it with me absolutely EVERYWHERE - kind of like a talisman to remind me of how far I've come. And also, everytime I'm tempted (as cheesy as this sounds) to eat bad things, a simple fiddle of the stone reminds me of my achievement so far, and not to blow it.

Secondly, I got this in the post yesterday - ANOTHER card from Joan!

Inside, it congratulates me on my "amazing" loss, and reminds me to keep it up. Well, there's no need to worry about that. I've been an absolute ROBOT this week - sticking religiously to Food Optimising, keeping my Syns lower than 15 (and occasionally 10!) every day, and steering COMPLETELY clear of crisps, chocolate and alcohol in ANY form.

Well, apart from today, when I had 2 glasses of Bucks Fizz. But it was only 7 Syns in total, I had a Free tea afterwards, and it was in mitigating circumstances! Those being that today was basically, just PERFECT. Stayed in bed with Joel till about 12 oclock, before we decided to go into town for some lunch. Guess where we ended up? Tampopos! So I broke out the incredible "Pho" noodles I had last time, and we shared some Tempura prawns.

Afterwards, I ended up at Fusion Studios in the Northern Quarter..... long story short, a friend from work was meant to go with his wife for a make-over/photoshoot (like I had on my birthday) but unfortunately none of them could make it - and it would cost over £100 to cancel. So they asked if I wanted it, which is why I was trotting into town on a sunny Saturday with a huge bag full of outfits! Well, it was infinitely better than my birthday one; the make-up looked better, my hair stayed the way they styled it (as opposed to immediately wilting) and the photos made me look unbelievably different. Sadly my ass still looked huge (despite the stone loss) and the editor refused to airbrush my double chin, but the end results still made me very happy!


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