Friday 23 November 2012

RECIPE: The Famous Cheesy Pasta!

So, gentlefolk, the time has come for me to finally reveal the recipe I have been promising since..... pretty much the beginning of this blog. It's not some closely guarded secret or anything - in fact, exactly the opposite. This is one of the nicest meals I've ever encountered - and I want to spread the joy across the world (or, more likely the total of 4 people who probably read this blog). This was my absolute favourite meal growing up, and since Mum passed the recipe down to me 5 years ago, my life has been complete!

(DISCLAIMER: As I'm terrible at measurements, quantities etc.... I won't put any down. My recipes are always to serve 2 - just use your own common sense. If you make too much, freeze some for another day. If you make too little - learn for next time!)


Tomato Passatta
Mozzarella (try to get Light)
Fresh Basil (off a plant, not packaged)


Not sure. Count 40g of Mozzarella as your Healthy Extra A, but depending on how much of this meal you eat, I usually count 3.5 and leave it at that.


Dead easy. Pour your passatta into a huge wok/pan. Stir whilst on a Medium heat (you want it bubbling, not leaping)
Meanwhile, grate the mozzarella into the passatta, and stir until melted (ideally until you see a white stringy texture)

Chop the basil and sprinkle on top of the simmering mix. Put to one side but KEEP WARM.
Meanwhile, boil pasta in boiling water and pre-heat oven to 180.
When cooked, mix the pasta into the tomato mix - which, in honour of it's origins, should now be a mass of red, green, and white...... and should smell of Heaven via Italy.
Bake in oven for 10 mins (until the top gets a slight crust). SERVE.

(For a treat, add Garlic Bread!)


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