Wednesday 21 November 2012

Mid-week ramblings

Not much to report today. Ive been doing a lot more walking than usual, in a vain attempt to get the "30 minutes of gentle exercise a day" recommended to people of my size. Apparently, Slimming World is just about the eating habits and lifestyle - so maybe once I'm a litle thinner I could work on improving my general health and fitness.

So, after a long day at work, I convinced Joel to wander round town and the Christmas Markets with me - you know when you're in one of those moods when you don't want to go home just yet, and cant stop walking.....? I had that. Managed to persuade Joel into eating out, so opted for a healthy Nandos - chicken and salad for me, and a couple of Joel's chips to boot!

Mind you, I shouldn't feel guilty. Had a nice healthy jacket potato for lunch......

....... before realising that the tuna was in fact subtly mixed with mayo - and the tub of grated cheddar I was told was "8 ounces" actually equated to about 225g. What the hell?! Good job I didn't eat it all.

By the by, I am on FIRE with my Syns this week. Don't know what's changed - maybe it's the fact of my 8 pound loss and subsequent Stone achievement, but I'm WAY more focused then usual. In fact, I think this is the first week where I've completely and genuinely stuck to Food Optimising - having 10 Syns or less a day (instead of 15 or more) and making Free meals every night. And then packaging the leftovers of said meals and eating them for lunch at work the next day. Even tonight, when I had a few chips and the skin of my chicken - I'd still managed to stay under where I'm supposed to be (Syn-wise) halfway through the week!

This stuff ROCKS.

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