Wednesday 14 November 2012

Caring card

Look what I got in the post today! Joan sent me a hand-made card, basically trying to cheer me up and keep me inspired. Unfortunately it just made me cry even more (I'm pretty much a human waterfall this week) but it was the kindest, sweetest gesture. Inside, it reads:
"Hi Katie, how are you doing? I could see how upset and disappointed you were the other night, and I do understand how you were feeling. It is soul destroying when you see the numbers on the scales and they're not showing what you were expecting, but you can turn this around, I know you can do it. Write everything down, Food Optimise 100%, especially as much as you can when the weekend is here. Keep counting your Syns to include alcohol and still enjoy yourself. You CAN do it, and I'll be with you every step of the way on your weight-loss journey. I'm always here for you.
Have a good week! Last week and Monday night are behind you, move forward, have a think about what you can change this week, and don't listen to others, do this for you! Love Joan xxx"
So this has taken pride of place on our mantlepiece, as a daily reminder to stay strong. Let's just hope it works!

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