Sunday 25 November 2012

RECIPE: Lemon and Garlic Chicken Bake

This is another one of those marvellous meals that not only looks multicoloured during preparation, but also smells INCREDIBLE. Again, it takes a while to make - but this is perfect for a lazy day like today. And it tastes fantastic - the sweetness of roasted vegetables combining with the tanginess of lemon and garlic makes for a wonderful Sunday dinner (and a damn good first-ever-experience of roast vegetables for yours truly!) 
(DISCLAIMER: As I'm terrible at measurements, quantities etc.... I won't put any down. My recipes are always to serve 2 - just use your own common sense. If you make too much, freeze some for another day. If you make too little - learn for next time!)


1 tbsp Reduced Fat/Fat Free Balsamic Vinegar
Chicken legs/thighs (with skin removed)
Carrots (peeled and sliced)
Potatoes (peeled and cubed)
Fry Light
2 garlic cloves
Lemon juice




Spread all of your peeled, chopped, and freshly-washed veg over a baking tray and spray with Fry Light. Season, toss, and drizzle with Balsamic Vinegar.
Nestle the chicken legs/thighs between the veg, and bake the whole tray at 180 for 40 minutes.

Meanwhile, mix together the lemon juice, crushed garlic and parsley together.
After 40 minutes, bring out the tray, and coat the chicken in the lemon mix. If any remains, spread over the surrounding veg.
Cook in the oven for a further 10 minutes, then SERVE.

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