Thursday 7 July 2011

Wedding nerves!

Well, upon returning home from work, the pie STILL hadn't set. Joel said it had, but it felt WAY too gooey. Tried it - it was runny and weird, and looked like vomit with bananas in. Not feeling too pleased with myself but at least I've learnt for next time. Now I know! (*fights urge to shout "..... and knowing is half the battle!") Oh well, other than that slight hiccup, I was healthy as ever today - and the canteen stocked my favourite boxed salad that only comes into rotation about twice a month, so that made me a happy bunny! Wow, never thought I'd see the day when I got excited about salad! Hmmmm..... I've cracked. I'll never go back now, haha.

Two days to go till the wedding on Saturday - Mum seems to be pretty excited about it. I am too - not just to show off my dresses but also in a weird nervous kinda way, like one would await a test of judgement or similar. I'm very much looking forward to a family friend getting married in a converted Victorian swimming bath, 2 costume changes, and a lovely buffet/night out/party. But, whilst I'm not exactly dreading it - I am feeling a little tingle of "will I crack?" pressure. I mean, we have no idea what the food will be - and the alcohol alone will be enough to colonise my weekly Syns. Maybe I could just eat the smallest imaginable portions of everything and stick to Diet Coke all night? Worth a shot.

Oh well, dresses are ironed, and hair appointment booked. Just got to get through one more day at work and I'm sorted!

On a side note, I've been thinking about how utterly utterly fantastic it would be if I were to still have lost weight when I get weighed on Monday at group. I mean, obviously, thanks to the wedding, I'm expecting to gain weight - or at the very least, maintain. But it's still kind of like a step back for me - I love when each Monday rolls around and knowing that I'm slowly gravitating towards something..... beavering away, bit by bit, towards a goal. Putting weight on this weekend or even maintaining would just be like a sock in the stomach. A sock that says; "Why bother being healthy all week? You're exactly where you left off two weeks ago!" I suppose I'm just so lazy, I can't be bothered repeating a week where I should have lost weight. Actually, if I'm truly honest, I want it to be over NOW. I've seen the size I could become, and I want it here, within my grasp, this instant. Unfortunately, I've still got a long road ahead. But where I'm going, I don't need roads...... (sorry, couldn't resist. I'm a geek)

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