Saturday 30 July 2011

Turkish Delights

After a full week spent moving, cleaning, wallpaper stripping, and hoovering, Joel and I decided yesterday that we needed to get out of the city for a night, and therefore visited his friend Phil in Macclesfield for his birthday. Was a pretty good night, ate only barbequed food, only had a few bread buns, and very little ketchup. Drank Diet Coke all night, and only one cider - which I used to drink about 6 of in one night out, and could now only manage one. The times, they are a-changing!

Unfortunately, we had to leave instead of staying overnight - Joel had a headache and I was queasy. Even more unfortunately, the next morning found me hanging over the toilet bowl, being violently sick for the first time in about 3 years, so probably a good job we didn't stay, really. That's the last time I let an 18 year-old girl "cook" one of my burgers.

Recovered enough to oversee the arrival of a moving van bearing all our heavier wordly goods (bed, drawers, sofa, etc....) to the house - AND join 4 girlfriends online in booking a holiday to Turkey in October! So there you have it, we're now "officially" moved in - and I have a girly holiday in 3 months! And if that's not an incentive to lose weight, I don't know what IS. Wonder how close to a beach we'll be in Turkey......?

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