Monday 1 April 2013

Easter Weekend

Dear Diary,

You find me at the end of a very long and knackering Easter weekend - but a lot of fun, nontheless. Every week at Group, Joan always asks us if we have any hurdles to overcome, or anything that could trip us up in the coming week - and this week I had 3.

FRIDAY - Was a Good Friday BBQ held at Joel's friend's house in Macclesfield. Despite an early finish for Joel and I (See: SATURDAY), multiple amounts of vodka and Diet Coke were consumed. Still had fish though, in keeping ever-so-slightly with Good Friday rules.

SATURDAY - Was a day spent at Auntie Pam's, helping with the gardening. Whilst Joel bore the brunt of the work with a Rotivator (that weighed roughly the same amount as a TERMINATOR), I was able to squeeze some Body Magic in myself, in a display that involved some rotting camp chairs, a sledgehammer, and some very theraputic prison-yard-style work..... Were rewarded for our efforts with huge bowls of veg-laded Spaghetti Bolognese (good) and 3 glasses of Rose wine (not so good). Totally worth it, though.....

SUNDAY - Was invited to an Easter buffet, courtesey of Mum and her over-zealous hosting skills. Whole family turned up for an evening of fun, frolics, games...... and a Roast that could feed the Seven Nation Army. Seriously - it was a whole 24 hours ago and I still feel like I'm more Beef than Human..... But yeah - it consisted of beef, potatos, carrots, broccolli, cauliflower, and the smallest Yorkshire Puddings - with no dessert or alcohol (well, on my part) - so whilst huge in quantity, definitely making up in Slimming World quality. Although Sean did organise an Egg-hunt, so ended up scarfing 3 mini Creme Eggs at 2 Syns each, gulp. Mind you, I am the NADS at egg-hunting, ever since I was 5. Actually won way more than 3, but gave the rest away in a fit of Slimming guilt.

MONDAY - Was the day Joel and I took Grandma home, which involved an hour-long car journey back to Sheffield. As a thank you, she treated us to lunch - so opted for a very healthy Bacon and Black Pudding salad (ate as little as possible of the Black Pud) and Chicken with chips (ditto) and veg, in a leek and mushroom sauce. Only to be informed by Mum later on that sauces aren't actually healthy, however many veg they contain. D'oh!

Had a sneaky peek on the scales at home (which I never normally use, for fear of gaining an in-between Groups addiction) and I seem to have put on 1 pound this week. Well, even if they're not  accurate and being that I totally trust the SW scales more than these - at least it's not THAT much. 1 pound can easily be lost!


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