Tuesday 21 June 2011

Slimming at work

I've been taking my green "Food Optimising" book into work every day - so I can fill in my Food Diary, check Syns and read the book on my lunch/break. It never gets boring, the recipe pictures look delicious, and it's kind of like a talisman - something to carry around and remind me of what I'm doing. I'm actually receiving a lot of support at work, to my delight and surprise. Brooksey (who sits opposite me) has had a gastric band fitted recently so he has a lot of food tips and weight-loss anecdotes to share. My manager saw the "Food Optimising" book and told me to "forget that bullsh*t," but Imran who sits next to me (something of a health-obsessed bodybuilder) is completely on my side - and has even bet me a tenner that I can lose a stone by next Payday (21st July), so that's another thing to aim for. Good times!!

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