Monday 20 August 2012

One Year Later

There's a LOT I need to update you on. Actually, I could sum it up in a few sentences. Basically, I quit. Last year, a month or so after I stopped writing my diary, I decided to leave Slimming World for financial reasons...... in that I couldn't afford the £5 a week. Shameful as it sounds, I was a little sticky money-wise around the end of last year, what with Christmas coming up and all. So I left, telling myself I could handle it, that I'd absorbed the Group's teachings, and that I'd no longer keep owing Louise money.

Well, I was a right wally, it turns out. I couldn't stick to it at all. Oh, I tried for a few weeks, but with the pressures of Christmas coming up, I soon completely forgot. As I settled into our new home, I started drinking alcohol again, chocolate found it's way back into my diet and the takeaway menus soon came back into rotation. I gained back the entire 10 lbs I lost, and then some. And the worst thing is, I didn't really care. Joel and I continued to eat out and order from Dominos, the local Indian, the Chinese down the road...... anytime we'd had a stressful day and felt like we "deserved a treat."

And then recently, things changed. Following a shopping trip with my Auntie Pam, a week later Mum broke the news to me..... that several family members - since seeing me recently - had actually voiced concern about my weight. They were genuinely concerned for me, to the point where they had actually intervened with Mum to tell me the uncomfortable truth.

So with that shameful kick up the arse, I made the concious decision to re-join Slimming World. And boy, am I ever glad I did. Walking back into that room with all the familiar faces, it felt like coming home. Slightly pissed off to discover that I was now a whopping 17 stone 5 pounds. And kind of confused...... you read about women who weigh 13 stone who look double the size of me, with actual health problems too, while I have none. But I was determined to overlook it, and treat it as a mere stepping stone to overcome. The rest of the meeting went brilliantly - in fact, Mum won "Woman of the Year!" So she was treated to a glittering tiara, sash, silver pen, a rose and some luxury bubble bath...... and damn, I felt proud of her! Not to mention inspired to lose as much weight as she has (I think 3 and a half stone in total).


So there you have it. I'm back in the game.

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