Wednesday 29 August 2012

Getting better......

My confidence and organisational skills are growing every day. I never thought when I joined SW a mere week ago that I'd emerge as such a newly organised person. I've even regained my love of cooking, as opposed to my usual throw-it-in-a-pan, microwave, or order-takeout attitude. And it feels SO good. Walking into my kitchen tonight - as I grilled lamb chops and boiled vegetables - it smelt like so many of those evenings spent back home, with Mum's reliably healthy meals sending delicious aromas through the house.

Mind you, I struggled today. With it STILL being a Star Week I was prone to feeling grumpy and sore, and ending up eating loads of additional stuff I didn't need. Thankfully they were all low-fat, so not the normal shite I'd grab, but still...... I've gone over my Syns for the day so definately have to try harder tomorrow.

Today I had:

Breakfast: Apple (amazed I've kept this up, I normally tire of fruit very quickly)

Lunch: Chicken and Bacon wrap (unfortunately with a dressing made of Caesar AND mayo)

Snack: Snack a Jack crisps

Tea: Rosemary Lamb chops with potatoes and broccoli

Snack: Hi Fi bar

Snack: French Fries crisps with Chicken Pate

Snack: Vanilla fat-free yoghurt

Ugh. I mean, I'm still sticking to the Healthy part at least (as apposed to snacking on biscuits and chocolate), but MAN do those Syns add up quickly. Must make more of an effort. I keep hearing and reading stories about people who lost half a STONE in their first week - so presumably sticking RELIGIOUSLY to the plan must have something to do with it. I also bought a Slimming World magazine at Asda after work...... right before realising that it's almost a quid cheaper when bought at group. Oh well!

Just to briefly digress - in regards to this diary, I'm now not going to mention walking to and from the bus stop as "Body Magic," as it's something I do every day, and not really worth noting.

On the plus side though, I have a weekend coming up with 3 events that would certainly involve a great deal of temptation...... and I've managed to completely avoid all of it.


Shopping in town with Auntie Pam and Mum


Saturday afternoon


Have been asked if we want to "do lunch"


Have sourced (with the help of UrbanSpoon) some local restaurants that specialise in healthy options, yummy salads and tasty noodle dishes. Currently have it narrowed down to Croma or Wagamama's.


A celebratory tea at Mum and Dad's in honour of Grandma visiting and Joel's birthday


Saturday evening


An O'Connor family celebration? Crack open the wine, cheese and biscuits!


Standing proud with my fellow SW member and Woman of the Year - who has promised to make a delicious, healthy, Free meal that everyone can enjoy. DESSERTS INCLUDED!


Joel's 29th birthday meal


Sunday evening


After exhausting all possible ideas of a restaurant he'd like, we have opted for a posh Indian. Which involves curries.


After relentlessly poring through the Indian section of the Syns tables, I've planned in advance to order either a Prawn Bhuna or Lamb Rogan Josh with plain Rice (without naans and poppadoms) - as 2 options I know I'd still enjoy, but with slightly lower Syn values than the other available dishes. This will be accompanied by only one cheeky glass of wine to celebrate, followed by some virtuous Diet Cokes.

It's funny, ORGANISING my own food on a night out should suck the fun RIGHT out of it. But it doesn't. It actually feels amazing.

Along with this I've spent tonight curled up on the sofa with the latest SW magazine - tearing out recipes and continuing to feel inspired by countless Before and After photos. To me, the moment of truly knowing I've made it, is if I ever got picked to be a SW cover girl. I can think of no higher accomplishment.

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