Tuesday 28 August 2012

Healthy Menus

 However refreshing it was to have 2 whole days off work, I still had to return today, after the Bank Holiday. But I was weirdly glad - getting back into routine always helped me diet effectively in the past, and today was no exception. My day went as follows:

Breakfast: Hi Fi Bar

Morning snack: Apple

Lunch: Chicken, egg, bacon, pasta and potato Caesar salad

Snack: French Fries crisps with Chicken Pate

Tea: Chicken Casserole

I mean, if that doesn't look like a menu of health, then I don't know WHAT does. Maybe a little too chicken-based, but hey - it's Free and in abundance. The casserole was a bit of a bugger, as I hadn't really planned it in advance - plus I'm on Day 2 of my "Star week" which meant I was practically weeping in pain over the garlic and onions frying in the pan. But it was soon done easily enough, and smelt delicious. And Joel enjoyed it, which made me feel better!

Simply chop and brown the chicken, fry the onions and garlic, bring the carrots and potatoes to the boil in chicken stock, and then sling it all together in a casserole dish to bang in the oven for 30 mins. So simple, even I couldn't cock it up.

Sadly, tonight's culinary triumphs were ruined by a crippling bout of period pains - so severe that Joel had to run off on a mercy mission to Asda for painkillers. I'd been collapsed on the sofa moaning all evening and usually tend to crave chocolate and sweet things around this time, but funnily enough the only thing I was craving today was Diet Coke. And LOTS of it. So Joel, bless him, returned home with Feminax and a 2-litre bottle of the stuff....... PLUS some Ryvita and low-fat herby cheese spread, "in case you needed some comfort food." God bless him. Even at a time like this, he still supports the ultimate goal.

And truth be told, so did my brain. Tonight it seemed to just push the old cravings aside, and demand nothing more than Diet Coke (Free), a Rocky Road Hi Fi bar (Healthy Extra) and Fat Free toffee yoghurts (also Free). I guess I re-embedded Slimming World quicker than I thought!!

So in 15 minutes we're going to curl up in front of "Hell's Kitchen" and I'm going to period-binge, Slimming World-style. Good times!

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