Thursday 30 August 2012


Today was another one of those days that really should've been quite hard. But luckily, it wasn't. Apologies for banging on about Slimming World's fabulous organisational skills - but they really helped me. Today I was off work all day - and in for overtime between 4-8. And then meeting my friend Sian for drinks and a catch-up afterwards.

Here's how the day would've normally gone:

Get up

Eat 2 packets of crisps and a sandwich

Have some chocolate

Get bored, and have some more crisps

Have lunch (usually pasta COVERED with grated cheese and ham)

Go to work

Have tea compiled of crisps, Diet Coke and chocolate from the vending machine

Get the tram to the pub

Meet Sian, get smashed on cider and black until the pub closes

Find an open Subway on the way back to the bus station, and microwave it upon return home

Here's how the day actually went:

Got up

Had lunch (pasta with ham - both Free - and a small amount of cheese for Healthy Extra A)

Got bored, had a Hi Fi bar (Healthy Extra B)

Went to work

Had prepared tea compiled of ham and light Philadelphia wrap and low fat French Fries

Had a lovely power walk to the pub through Manchester's artiest district

Met Sian, had 2 Diet Cokes and made them last for 2 hours

Got home and ate a Fat Free yoghurt

So yeah. Had a wonderful time with Sian and was healthy all the livelong day. Even during the evening "graveyard" shift - which actually turned out to be quite busy and therefore took my mind off ALL the snacking I could have been doing. And the walk up to Piccadilly was MARVELLOUS, it should've taken me ten minutes but I ended up stretching it out as much as I could, just trying to make it last longer. I was enjoying myself so much that I was purposefully taking my time through the Northern Quarter, taking in the sights. Got to the pub and drank Diet Coke all night - giving me a nice clear head for all our catching up! Felt very proud of myself.

BODY MAGIC: Walking for 30 mins through town

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