Wednesday 17 August 2011

BBQ Preparations

Currently sitting here organising two separate playlists on Itunes - one for the "Family" BBQ, and one for the "Friend" BBQ. A little extravagant, maybe, having two..... but there are a HUGE amount of people who want to see the new House - not to mention a gathering of sensible adults possibly shouldn't mix with a gathering of pissed-up 20-somthing friends with a cocktail shaker and a collection of 60 shotglasses. Obviously I'm dead excited, but just a little nervous about the Food side of things. How can I possibly arrange a good old fashioned BBQ without breaking the SlimmingWorld rules? The best thing I can think of is just to let Joel lob meat on the grill, and maybe get Mum's help handmaking some SlimmingWorld chips and healthy burgers..... maybe a good old salad. Hmmmm..... Need to make a list to get thoughts in order.

HEALTHY BBQ FOODS (that will not alienate everyone):

Chicken, Salad (feta, maybe?), Potatoes (new), Lamb, Chilli Prawn kebabs (oooh! Where did THAT idea come from?!), Cheesy Pasta, Sausages

Hmmm, already out of Free food ideas - need to consult the book. Anyway, I'm sure it's a common practice for people to take meat to a BBQ, so maybe I could just stick to my own stuff and be good. At least Mum'll be there to keep me on track, too. I'm thinking as well of just demurely sipping the old Diet Coke all evening - saving the well-and-truly-getting-drunk for the "Friend BBQ"..... which we're thinking of having, for convinience, on the Bank Holiday weekend.

If that actually happens though, I'm going to have to be SO careful for the fortnight leading up to it - if I'm doing Pride on the Saturday (where I will undoubtedly be getting wasted, as am meeting friends after the parade) and having the "Friend" BBQ on the Sunday, I will pretty much, by my calculations, be drunk for at least 3/4 of the weekend. Hmmm. I feel some MAJOR Syn-saving is needed pretty soon. That said, I had the worst fortnight ever and actually lost weight, so maybe if I keep exercising (and dance a lot throughout B.H Weekend) then maybe I'll get lucky again!

On a side note, nothing of interest to report today. Had a cheese and pickle sandwich with maize crisps (and a Twirl, gulp) for lunch, and spaghetti with cheese on toast. Hmmm..... having WAY too much cheese and bread in my diet recently, maybe a cutback is required. Also, need to check the Syn value of that smooth Branston Pickle spread - haven't been able to stop eating it lately.

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