Monday 27 August 2012

Back in the game!



Seriously. So, apparently, a girl can have 2 Subway sandwiches, a large Popcorn, a Macdonalds and party food in a week, AND be on her period when she gets weighed and STILL lose weight??! Bloody hell. I'd forgotten how baffling this slimming malarky can be. Needless to say, I was overjoyed. Well, in between eating rubbish on odd occasions last week (and immediately getting violent diaorrhea after eating the party food yesterday) I must have done something right! And holding a friend's baby for about an hour at the party probably burned off some arm-calories, at least.....

So yeah, I'm over the moon. Mum's chuffed with me too, which means a lot - and she gave me some (totally Free) Chicken Pate' she'd made, which I'm really looking forward to, as her pate's are usually GORGEOUS! Speaking of the Woman of the Year, Auntie Sandra (my godmother, who's also joined the group) brought in a "Before" photo of Mum - presumably taken about 10 years ago. Well, Christ, the only part of the photo I recognised was the sideboard from our lounge. Because that's how different she looks now. I stared down at that familiar yet unrecognisable woman, dressed in white, arms uncomfortably crossed over her ample chest, a double chin. And I looked across the room at the woman stood in profile in a flattering dress, with curves in all the right places, chattering happily to the other members. And that, more than anything, made me more determined to lose weight.

I also totally inspired myself today whilst doing a good old Bank Holiday Spring-Clean - discovering my old Slimming World recipe book and several recipes torn out of the various SW magazines. After sifting through hundreds of recipes, I finally wrote down all the ingredients I'd need for several meals, priced them up on the Asda website and have listed them for the Big Shop next week. I CAN'T BLOODY WAIT. Feeling organised truly kicks arse, and is definately a staple part of the SW mentality - particularly meal planning.

Even better - 2 of my best friends, Louise and Alex, now both live in London and want to lose weight too - so we've agreed to Skype each other every Monday after class, so we can share hints and tips and encourage each other. Did it for the first time tonight, and they had a weigh-in in Louise's bathroom, so we all had a starting weight. So, yeah. It was fun to see them again - and I'm going to email them throughout the week with Syn Values and Free Foods.

Louise and Alex:

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