Tuesday 16 August 2011


As it was my day off, didn't really get up to much. Would love to say I spent my whole day carefully selecting, planning and even MAKING a ton of Super-Free yummy meals for me and my man..... but being that I'm currently poorer than a church mouse who's gone bankrupt - it aint likely. Oh well, only 2 days till payday, and then let the healthy home-made meals roll!

That said, I DID try a recipe for SuperFree soup that Mum gave me after group last night - tinned tomatoes, beans, carrots and chicken stock all blended up and seasoned. Served it as a starter before tea, but being honest, it was VILE, no matter HOW much salt you put on it. Tried to force some of it down, but still..... hmm. Could tell Joel wasn't that keen either. Still, saved the rest to take to work, gonna need all the help I can get if I'm going to be stripping off by a sunny pool in a few months......

Oh, also did some exercise for the first time since moving in - such a relief being able to stomp away without worrying about denting the neighbour's ceiling. It's fabulous having such a huge lounge to give yourself space to manoevre. Stuck on my Davina Fit workout DVD but got bored after a while, so switched to the classic technique of putting my Ipod in and flailing around to the music instead. So not exactly a wasted afternoon!

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