Tuesday 6 August 2013

More good news!


Dear Diary,

SURPRISE!! Yes, in a move anticipated by Louise's spreadsheet (but not me!) I have had the "Big Loss" I was due. It seems there's a lot to be said for looking at Slimming the mathematical way! According to the law of averages (I'm guessing..... maths really isn't my strong suit), apparently I have periods where I'll lose a huge chunk, then gain half of it back, then bob around 1 pound/half a pound losses for a couple of weeks, gain again, and then have another massive loss. So there you have it - the spreadsheet has spoken!
So, in honour of my mathematical friend (who recently became a qualified actuary!), here's a quick numbers update:


CURRENT WEIGHT: 15st 13lbs

WEIGHT LOST: 1st 6lbs
So as you can see, I'm only 1 pound off my Stone and a Half (again)! Let's just have a little look at the goals I set a while back:

"..... and together we worked out that if I lose a pound and a half a week, that should put me back to my 1.5 Stone by the Tattoo convention in August (irrelevant, but I like to have milestones!), 2 Stone by Sian's wedding/France in September, 2.5 Stone by my birthday in October, and 3 Stone by Christmas!"

Well, the good news there, is that whilst I haven't EXACTLY hit the first goal, I'm not a million miles away. In fact, I'm only a pound away. So, you know what? I'll take it! I've missed three things out, though - two events and a goal. The events being Sian's Hen Party and Joel's 30th birthday..... and the goal being my Club 10 (which falls a mere 4 pounds away at 15st 9lbs). And with CLASSIC timing, Sian's hen do falls on the 24th of August, slap-bang in the middle of the Tattoo Convention and the Wedding/France holiday! So, that's my next goal. As for Joel's 30th, while his BIRTHDAY falls on the 2nd of September, the actual party is going to be later, on the 28th. So, at least if I haven't hit the 2 Stone mark by France, I can always aim for the Party!


1.5 Stone by Tattoo Convention - 3rd August
Club 10 by Sian's Hen Party - 24th August
2 Stone by Sian's Wedding - 15th September
2 Stone by France holiday - 20th September (if previous goal is not met)
2 Stone by Joel's 30th - 29th September (if previous goal is not met)
2.5 Stone by my 27th - 23rd October
3 Stone by Christmas - 25th December (giving me 2 MONTHS to keep it together and allow for any mishaps)

Now, if THAT doesn't give me incentives to plan for, I don't know what WILL. I'm excited just looking at it! And let's face it, I've already had a pretty sweet head-start recently - I mean, an 8 pounds in 3 weeks loss feels pretty goddamned good to me! Not to mention I can colour in more segments on the summer "Half Stone Challenge" Joan set us a while ago:

I'm surprised I did THAT well this week, usually after such a big loss I tend to Maintain for a while or have a slight gain. But I'm guessing the four gym sessions we had this week, plus swimming (and I'm talking HARDCORE swimming, not the half-arsed dandle-about-in-the-shallow-end-and-chat approach that other gym members seem to take), plus the six hours SOLID spent walking around the GMEX in town on Saturday probably did their part! The six hours walking round the GMEX was for the Tattoo Convention. Really, it could have been done in about an hour, or two at most - but people kept arriving and setting stands up throughout the day, so there were always more acts to watch, tattoos to look at, competitions to enter and portfolios to see!

How fantastic is THIS? I love a good twist on an old classic!

Sadly (or luckily, given my impulsive nature!) I couldn't afford to take any money with me - so all the cool necklaces, bracelets, souvenirs, books, magazines and actual spur-of-the-moment tattoos had to wait until next year. But we saw some incredible artwork (on paper and people!), familiar faces from my tattoo studio in their own booth, and some groovy circus acts. Not to mention we went for a good old traditional Free meal at Tampopos!

Unfortunately, I was struck down with a rather fierce bout of flu on Sunday - so wasn't able to go to work OR stay for Image Therapy at Group last night. But thanks to a very patient chauffeur Joel, I was able to quickly run in and get weighed..... plus some Hi Fi bars for the week! I should've stayed at home, I know, but I was desperate not to spend an entire week getting sketchy, unreliable results from my are-they-or-aren't-they-accurate? scales at home. But I weighed myself before I went, so can at least now be safe in the knowledge that my home scales are exactly 1 pound ahead of the Slimming World scales!

Texted Auntie Pam and Mum the good news - both thrilled. Mum's on a cycling holiday with Dad in France at the moment so unable to come to Group..... but they Face-Timed me a few days ago to show me the villa they were staying at, and apparently none of their friends recognised me at first, because I've lost weight! That's the most common thing people say to me now, "oooh, you can tell it's come off your face!" Which is great, but why can't it come off my stomach or thighs or arms instead?? Grrr.

Going to given the Gym a miss tonight, just to make fully sure I'm recovered before I start back on it tomorrow - I'm aching like buggery so it's probably for the best. To be fair, I probably sweated AT LEAST 2 out of the 3.5 pounds I lost by tossing and turning all Sunday night, twisting the bed sheets into ropes and not eating a thing all Monday. That said, I'm much better than I was yesterday, so one more day should do it. Can't wait - when I'm at home all evening I get terrible urges to snack constantly. That's why I've also applied to volunteer at the Bury Deaf Centre (this is a career-helping move too, I should probably admit!) and for a place in the Manchester Show Choir, who are apparently recruiting in September.

Watch this space!


PS: Found this on the SW Facebook page this morning. Seems apt!


  1. Yay thanks for the shout out Katie, feel well loved :-) The deaf thing and choir thing sound ACE things to be doing, woo go you!!

  2. Woo, my first comment! Lol - still waiting to hear back from them, but should be sufficient enough distraction from eating!
