Saturday 27 July 2013

Back on track!


Dear Diary,

I DID IT!!! After a week's hard work (and let's face it, a little of the Fear of God put into me from last week), I finally clawed something back, regained some dignity and the ability to smile at Group again on Monday. OK, so I didn't have the shock, awe and disbelief of the time I lost 8 pounds in one week - but it was still pretty special. Having people congratulate me, seeing Mum's proud smile and the flurry of happy texts that followed from various friends and family members - it was all worth it. Got home, and instead of my usual Monday night celebration-or-commiseration binge fest, stuck to a very modest 4 syn tea.

The week that followed has been magnificent. Managed for the first time in ages to get my Syns down to not only less than 15, but less than TEN a day - something of a record for me! I made HUGE batches of tuna pasta and spaghetti Bolognese to take to work for lunch - following Joan's advice to eat more Free meals. Sadly, the arrival of Star Week set me back somewhat on Thursday, leading to a much regretted "screw this, only a Yorkie, Frappuccino and Macdonald's will do!" lapse - but was straight back on it the next day. One day out of a week isn't at all bad - and more than made up for it with a hot chicken for tea on Friday.

This weekend doesn't seem to be posing any problems so far, I'm glad to report! Today started off with a lovely sunny walk around Bury market, collecting lots of meat and fish for new recipes. Then Joel's dad and brother came round again to do more bathroom work - only instead of suggesting the usual Chinese/Curry for tea (as Joel's dad likes to treat himself in his retirement!), they pitched up with a veritable TON of salad ingredients! Lettuce, chicken, beef, tomatoes, coleslaw, spring onions, you name it. Got quite the surprise - apparently they don't like to eat/cook hot food in this kind of weather, so we tossed it all together and chowed down..... was a lot nicer than I thought! Especially since I'm only used to having salad as an accompaniment, not something I'd normally put time and effort into for an actual MEAL.

Tomorrow I'm going over to visit Grandma with Joel and Auntie Pam. Grandma's recovering from a recent minor operation (well, I say "recovering," she was up and about within 2 weeks!) so the plan is to visit and take her out for lunch - the good news being that, surrounded by a supportive partner and family (all of which are dieting too), I'm sure I can easily be encouraged to make the right choice!

Mum and Dad are currently in France for 2 weeks, so have to make the decision of whether or not to go to Group on Monday. On the one hand, it'd be good to know where I'm up to, and if there's any damage control to do, or further success to log. On the other hand, it seems bonkers going all the way to Prestwich just for a weigh-in, using up Joel's petrol, and paying for class when I'm skint at the moment. May have to come to a decision tomorrow.

Oh, and one last thing to go in the "incentive" pile, as it were. Sian's mum got in touch with me today, regarding her hen do on the 24th of August - apparently the theme is 1940's. So you know what this means - gorgeous hairdo, red lipstick and high heels, and most importantly...... THE DRESS. You know the one I mean. Call up any mental image of a 40's dress and I bet it's the same as mine - low cut, polka dot, knee length, belted waist and flared skirt. Flattering to practically EVERYONE, and inherently prim, yet sexy.

This is the one I have in mind - from Dorothy Perkins. So, there's an incentive if ever I had one - just less than a month to drop what I've dropped in a mere WEEK of hard work - 4 and a half measly little pounds. Screw the tattoo convention - Aug 24th is now the new goal to get back to my 1 and a half stone again. I did it before, so I sure as hell can get there a second time. And as long as I'm down to my 2 Stone by France, then I'll be a very happy bunny!


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