Sunday 7 July 2013

An Excellent Week

Dear Diary,

If I do say so, this week has been INCREDIBLE. With a huge dollop of inspiration in me from last weekend, I set to work much more focused and dedicated. Check it out:


Made a HUGE portion of healthy veggie pasta which saw me through a tea and 2 lunches


Returned to the gym and didn't leave until drenched in endorphin-filled glory. (NB: Joel kicked off over some stupid little thing that night, and while the tiff didn't get resolved until Wednesday evening, was very good and didn't drown my sorrows in chocolate/wine etc.... Simply remained calm, made Omlette for tea and ate SW-approved snacks)


See above. Also, have got back into the habit of eating a regimented lunch at work every day - Wholemeal bread sandwich (using the 2 slices as Healthy Extra B), crisps (counting the Syns), Mugshot (Free) and Muller Lite yoghurt (Free). Snacks throughout the day = Apple (Superfree), Lite Baby Bel (Healthy Extra A) and Tomato Mackerel (Free).


Made absolutely gorgeous Seafood Risotto for tea. Eagle-eyed readers of this blog will surely remember the disastrous attempt at this dish last time, in which I took close to an HOUR merely stirring rice. But for some unfathomable reason, this time it all worked out beautifully. Chucked in prawns and mussels and the whole thing was a delight.


Joel made Fish and Chips for tea - I removed the breadcrumb batter from the fish and substituted chips for rice. Still managed to be delicious!


On shift-swap, so was in work where lunch/diet could be firmly kept an eye on. Made a variation on my famous Red Pepper Chicken casserole for tea - pan-fried chicken breasts stuffed with pepper slices, served with a chopped tomato, basil and onion salsa.


Making the most of not being in work, Joel and I went for a long, Body Magic-filled walk around town, stopping at Tampopo's for amazing (Free!) and favourite lunch of chicken breasts and flat noodles in Asian stock. For tea, had a gorgeous Gammon with mustard crust and a fried egg (in Fry-Light, of course!)

So there you have it. A brilliant week, that wasn't as hard to stick to as I thought. Just need to keep fingers crossed now and PRAY for a 1.5 pound loss tomorrow. Even if it's just half a pound, I'll be glad of anything. Actually, no I won't. That's just cheesy. I want to get what I aimed for and achieve what I planned, I want a goddamn HUGE loss - 3, maybe 4 pounds in one go, just to light a fire under my ass and get me going with fervor and excitement. Unlikely, I know. But then again, I once lost 8 pounds in a week. Who KNOWS what could happen?


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