Wednesday 17 October 2012

RECIPE: King Prawns in Egg-Fried Rice

This is a BRILLIANT alternative to ordering a Chinese - and if, like me, you love prawns and seafood flavours, then this dish is the BOMB.

(DISCLAIMER: As I'm terrible at measurements, quantities etc.... I won't put any down. My recipes are always to serve 2 - just use your own common sense. If you make too much, freeze some for another day. If you make too little - learn for next time!)


King Prawns
Plain rice
1 egg
Store-bought oyster sauce




Cook your plain rice in a saucepan of boiling water for 10-15 mins (according to packet)
Meanwhile, whisk the egg in a jug, and fry in Fry Light, continually whisking to make Scrambled Egg.
Once completed, chop up the scrambled egg and egg to the rice, mixing in to create Egg-Fried Rice.
Keeping the Egg-Fried Rice in the saucepan over a Low heat - stir in the Oyster Sauce and gently heat up.
Meanwhile, fry the King Prawns in Fry Light until cooked. Mix in with the Rice and SERVE.


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