Monday 22 October 2012



Oh my god, you would not BELIEVE the fortnight I've had. As you may have deduced, I haven't been able to post in 2 weeks, and haven't even MADE it to Group to get weighed recently.
Well, I could ramble on and tell you all about it - but this is a Slimming Blog, not a Dear Diary. In summary:

  • Joel and I spent the 5th-7th of October in Northumberland on his birthday present break
  • I didn't go to Group on the 8th due to absolutely CRIPPLING period pains
  • I didn't go to Group on the 15th as Joel's Grandma died, so I had to leave work early to be with him and his family all day
  • The funeral was on the 19th

So, there you have it. From a wonderful trip and happiness, to death and human misery, it's been a rollercoaster of a fortnight.

Not much to be said about the funeral, really. It was heartbreakingly sad, as they all are. At the wake, the only food that was served was meat and potato pie - and everyone kept buying me vodka and Diet Cokes...... neither of which I could refuse. So it's fair to say, I gave that particular Friday a bit of a write-off.

But the Northumberland trip was simply WONDERFUL - everything I was hoping for, and more. 3 days spent in a beautiful, quiet inn, situated off a long and quiet road. All you could hear when you woke up was the odd sheep, and the air just smelt cleaner. And even better was the pub food.
Sadly, neither Joel or I could resist the allure of a cheeky dessert each night. And I felt like a little glass of Rose didn't go amiss, either. But the meals were INCREDIBLE.
The first evening, I had Duck breast in a Rosemary, orange and port sauce, with vegetables:

 ....... and the second evening I had a Goat's cheese salad, followed by a big juicy Surf and Turf with peppercorn sauce.


Yes, I took my eye of the ball. And yes, I probably shouldn't have ordered the secret bottle of champagne to be sent up to our room, as a birthday surprise for Joel. But dammit, it was great to spend a fun, enjoyable, romantic evening relaxing and drinking champagne in bed - and if that's not worth a few extra Syns, then I don't know what IS.


And that's what intially surprised me. Because, after a weekend of such gluttinous pleasures, a Star Week, and a pie-encumbered wake - the last thing I would've expected is a 3.5 pound loss. But then it hit me - Beamish. The living museum Joel and I spent 6 HOURS walking round on Saturday - that must be where I burnt it all off. God bless Body Magic!!

PS: Seriously, if you can, check out the Beamish Museum if you're ever in the North-East. It's incredible - about 300 acres filled with Georgian, Edwardian and Victorian people, buildings, decorations, food and sights. Absolutely amazing.

PPS: It's my 26th birthday tomorrow!!

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