Wednesday 24 October 2012

26th Birthday!

Well, this is my first blog as a 26 year-old. And despite everyone's frequent cries of: "Oooh, you're getting old, now!" I don't feel remotely different. Kind of like losing weight, really.

Still - had an amazing time yesterday. Mum took me out for a healthy lunch (Piri piri chicken and plain rice) at a local pub, and then for a spot of shopping (humiliating and awful, don't even want to THINK about the dresses I couldn't fit into) followed by a makeover/photography session I booked for a Mother's Day present ages ago. So, that was fun, getting all my hair, nails and make-up done! Not so fun was looking like I was Mum's fat sister, as she posed in a sleek dress and heels. Certainly a kick up the arse for me, if anything.

Tonight was AMAZING. After Joel's revelation that we were going to see "The Lion King" at the Palace in December, he also revealed that we'd be going out for a meal tonight at San Carlo's, on Deansgate. After a slight drama where I found out the kind of clientele they welcome there (ie: footballers and WAGS) and had to beg an early finish from work for an emergency hair appointment - we finally made it. And I was REALLY good!

Starter: Fresh Oysters on ice

Main Course: King Prawns and clams in spaghetti, with a tomato and garlic sauce

Drinks: Diet Coke ALL night!

So at least no-one can say I didn't try!

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