Monday 1 October 2012

Food Market


Only got time for a short post, today - sadly. Have to rush off onto Skype pretty quickly, as I've just got back from Group. Pleased to report another pound's loss, taking my total up to 7 and a half, so far. Kind of surprised, given that Joel and I visited a Food Market in Manchester this weekend, and ended up consuming some very yummy Nutella pancakes, ostrich burgers, cocktails and very oily curries.


Ugh. I feel ashamed just looking at those, but - as with any occasion - it's very hard to regret any of it when we had such a nice time. I guess this is why I'm not too good at being a natural dieter - I just love food too damn much. And whilst Slimming World obviously advocates maintaining a healthier lifestyle and not "giving up" the food you like, it's sometimes hard to still enjoy a Nutella pancake, knowing it's going to equate to about 50 Syns.

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