Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Terrific Three

Dear Diary,


1) A text from Louise commending me for not succumbing to chocolate temptations and telling me I should maybe "plan a non-eating or drinking payday treat" to stop myself getting tempted by a big night out. The girl read my mind!

On a related note;

2) Paying my tattoo deposit. Had a nice little walk on my lunch hour to make my "down payment," as they say. Slightly awkward moment when I walked in, to face about 6 heavily tattooed guys all staring at me, as I walked through the door in my uber-conservative work clothes and Marks and Spencer's coat, haha. But they were nice enough, and told me to turn up 10 minutes early tomorrow. Eeeeee, excited!

3) Tonight's Big Shop. Not only could I now get my lovely new size-lower swimming costume, but I'm not even kidding - our shopping trolley was about 60% fruit and vegetables. It was actually INSANE. I used to pride myself on hating anything "green" or "rabbit food," but now I've truly changed. To the best of my knowledge, we bought:

Red Peppers
Potatoes (yeah, yeah, I know. But all the better for making SW chips with!)
Spring Onions

Not to mention a TON of yummy meat, fish and pasta, etc.... for new meals. Joel's been cooking tea almost every night for the past few months, so now it's my turn. Not to mention I'm getting the urge to flex my cooking muscle again, especially after spending the whole week in the company of paper, scissors and sellotape, compiling an absolutely MASSIVE collection of recipes accumulated through backdated SW magazines.

I'm not even kidding, there must be 70 recipes in there so far. And the good news is, technically, it can NEVER BE FINISHED. All I need to do is nab some plastic wallets and a file from work, and I'm sorted!


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