Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Number-land (Part 2)

Dear Diary,

In keeping with my recent success, I decided to check back in and give an updated version of my losses:


CURRENT WEIGHT: 15st 12lbs

WEIGHT LOST: 1st 7lbs

So yeah, quite proud of those results! Have also definitely decided to stick with the idea of treating myself with certain weight loss milestones, as an extra incentive. Already decided on the small tattoos for the major ones, like the Stones, but have also opted to treat myself to a little bit of jewellry everytime I reach a Half-Stone. After all, there's no point getting new clothes every time, and a necklace is something pretty you can keep forever. The idea came today after a discussion Auntie Pam and I had today, about the money David left us - and how we're both going to buy a timeless pendant/bracelet etc.... to always remind us of him. So in a similar fashion, everytime I hit a half stone, I'm going to buy a cute necklace or a charm for my bracelet. Maybe fruit-themed.....?


Tuesday, 23 April 2013

RECIPE: Beef Bourginon

Dear Diary,

Today was my bi-weekly day off, and quite frankly, it was much better than the last one. Still on a high from last night, Joel and I decided to make it a fun yet productive day.


I walked past my 1.5 stone certificate and got excited again.
We were up and out at the gym BY NINE O'CLOCK - which was actually kind of cool, given how there was virtually no-one there.
Had a nice lunch.
Joel got a phone call confirming he got the job he was interviewed for last week.
Caught "Evil Dead" at the Printworks (not a patch on the original, in my humble opinion).
Found out from Mum that David had left me £500 in his will - leaving me completely gobsmacked. Thanks to him, I can now afford the dream holiday to New York in Autumn.
Made a delicious Slimming World Beef Bourginon for tea.

And it is this, my friends, which I share with you today:


Diced Beef
900ml Beef Stock
100ml Red Wine
4 Shallots
2 Celery Sticks
3 Carrots
6 tbsp Tomato Passatta
2 Garlic cloves
6 button Mushrooms
Fry Light
4 Bacon rashers




Fry Shallots and Bacon in Fry Light in an oven-proof casserole dish for 5 mins. Remove.
Fry diced Beef in same dish, also in Fry Light. Once browned, add the bacon and shallots again, plus the Garlic, Passatta, Carrots, Celery, Wine and Stock. Season, and bring to the boil.

Cover with tin foil and cook in pre-heated oven for 1 hour (NB: The actual recipe says 2, but screw that, I ran out of time! Didn't affect the meal, though).
After this, put the chopped Mushrooms in the stew, and place back in oven, uncovered, for 30 mins. SERVE.

I say it about all these recipes, but it really is true - this meal packs an amazing scent, like a heady, Christmass, rich red-wine stewing kind of smell. Breathe it in and rejoice that such a wonderful meal exists.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Milestone Monday!!

Dear Diary,


Yes, you read that right. This week, I lost a WHOPPING 3 pounds, putting me firmly at my next longed-for milestone of 1 AND A HALF STONE!!

Obviously, I'm thrilled beyond all belief - was the only person to actually win an award at Group last night, but Joan was very sweet and announced that I'd worked really hard for it. So got a big clap from everyone, and lots of congratulations from my Auntie Sandra and co. (Mum wasn't there tonight as she'd booked it as a holiday - but rest assured she screamed down the phone when I rang to tell her!)

I'm so chuffed. Still can't believe it - it seems I'd managed to break the bob-around-one-weight-for-a-month pattern and finally changed my ways. I guess cooking healthy Slimming World teas this week definitely helped - not to mention dragging my ass to the gym during Star Week!
Oh my god - STAR WEEK!!! I'd completely forgotten! If I can lose 3 whole pounds whilst retaining water and going all bloated, IMAGINE what I could lose next week.....? If I keep it up, go to the gym, and keep cooking nice SW meals as often as I can, I could EASILY hit my 2 stone in the Race to Rhianna! (For those who don't know/can't remember - I'm going to see her on the 15th June with my friends in London, and my target is to lose 2 stone by then)

Back to tonight - Louise and Alex were unable to Skype/Facetime, so we arranged to do it tomorrow instead. After such a long day, I was kind of pleased - not that I don't LOVE talking to them every week and comparing notes, but I'm usually totally knackered after working all day, standing up for half an hour on a packed tram, bolting down some tea (poached egg on wholemeal toast, tonight), going to Group and then not being able to chill out properly until about 10pm. So instead, Joel and I went to Asda pick up a celebratory drink (beer for him, and mini bottle-that-equates-to-one-small-glass of Rose' for me) and curled up in front of Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares for the night. I stuck my certificate up on both the Achievements Wall and my Facebook wall, and had about 8 "Likes" before the night was out.



Sunday, 21 April 2013

RECIPE: Provencal Chicken

Dear Diary,

As today was one of those lovely lazy Sundays where nothing needed doing except housework and tattoo after-care, I though it was the perfect chance to try out a recipe I hadn't done before, one that needed preparation and time. Got myself incredibly organised first thing in the morning by sorting/chopping/decanting all ingredients that didn't need cooking and setting them aside for later. The result? A stunning dish of French perfection, with a wonderful cassoulette to boot!

(P.S: On a side note, said tattoo is recovering nicely!)

(DISCLAIMER: My recipes are always to serve 2 - just use your own common sense. If you make too much, freeze some for another day. If you make too little - learn for next time! Also, this recipe doesn't accurately follow the Slimming World recipe, due to lack of certain ingredients - therefore some tiny changes have been made)
1 tsp Chilli Flakes
2 Chicken Breasts
Tin of Chopped tomatoes
Tomato Passatta
Lemon juice (from about 1/2 a lemon)
3 cloves of garlic
1 tbsp Herbs de Provence
150ml Chicken Stock
1/2 Red Onion (chopped)
3 Potatoes (peeled and thinly sliced) - OPTIONAL!
Fry Light
Mix the Chopped Tomatoes and Red Onion together, and spread over the bottom of an oven-proof Casserole dish (having been sprayed with Fry Light first)
OPTIONAL! - If you want to thicken up the dish like I did, boil some Potato slices for 4-5 mins to soften, and arrange on top of the Tomato-Onion mix
Then cook your Chicken Breasts in Fry Light over a high heat for 4-5 minutes each side, before transferring to the Casserole dish.
Mix together the Herbs de Provence, Lemon juice, Chilli Flakes and chopped Garlic, and spread over the Chicken.

Finally, mix together the Stock and Passatta, and pour over the dish. Cover with tin foil and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. Remove the foil, and cook for a further 20 minutes. Breathe in that sexy, herby, French scent, and SERVE. Et voila, bon appetite!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

RECIPE - Manhattan Burger

Dear Diary,

Thanks to my trusty new Recipe Book and Thursday's Big Shop, tonight's tea was a roaring success. I know this kind of thing is probably said all the time by fellow slimmers all over the country, but it completely threw me just how much you could eat, whilst still slimming! Not to mention this was my first time making Slimming World chips.... which were gorgeous! So, as a little tribute to our American Cousins, here is the deliciously guilt-free Manhatten Burger and Fries.

(DISCLAIMER: My recipes are always to serve 2 - just use your own common sense. If you make too much, freeze some for another day. If you make too little - learn for next time!)


Extra Lean/Lean Beef Mince
2 Garlic Cloves
2 sliced Red Onion rings
2 Tomato slices
2 wholemeal baps
2 Light Baby Bels (or 2 small slices of your favourite cheese)
3 large Potatoes
Fry Light

(Just to point out - this is NOT the exact recipe from the SW magazine, this is me following it my way, doing it with less ingredients)


Absolutely none, provided you use the wholemeal bun as your Healthy Extra B and the cheese as yor Healthy Extra A!


Pre-heat the oven to 200. Peel the big potatoes, and slice into however-thin/thick-you-want chip shapes. Boil for 4-5 minutes to soften, and drain.
Arrange chips in single layer on a tray lined with baking paper - NOT tin foil though, as I tried this and they stuck to it like crazy. Spray with Fry Light and scatter Salt over, to season. Bake in oven until crispy (about 15-20 minutes)

Meanwhile, grate the Garlic cloves into the Lean Mince and massage until absorbed. Squish the mince into burger shapes, spray with Fry Light and cook for 4-5 minutes on each side. (PS: The recipe SAYS this, but if you're like me and accidentally make your burgers too thick, then cook on each side as long as possible, then put the pan in the oven for 10 mins to finish them off and cook thoroughly)
When chips are crispy and burgers cooked, arrange the chips on a plate, and put the burgers on the buns. Top with either a small slice of your favourite cheese or a Baby Bel (sliced into 2 halves), a ring of Red Onion and a slice of Tomato - plus a lettuce leaf, if you have one! SERVE.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Fruit and Ink - Part 2!

Dear Diary,

Well, that's it. I've done it. I am now the proud owner of my 2nd tattoo!

DISCLAIMER: I realise this is a weight loss blog, but my tattoo is kind of about that, so I'd like to spend today talking about it.

I was booked in for 5:30, half an hour after my shift finished. Was half tempted to ring Joel and ask him to come and sit with me - but I was going out with work-mates afterwards, and you're not allowed to have anyone sit with you and hold your hand anyway. Pottered around the newsagents below for a bit - frantically slurping Diet Coke to keep my blood sugar up (yeah, I did my research!), eyeing up a nearby customer's tattoos, and jabbering to my friend Brooksey to try and calm myself down. Eventually he left to meet the others for a drink, and I was alone, having bumped into the guy who tattooed me last time - Chris - outside.

As I sat there upstairs, signing medical/permission forms and watching some of the men I'd seen yesterday banter and jockey with each other about a paint job on one of the walls, my butterflies were RAGING. I was getting nerves that almost felt as intense as stage-fright, and started wondering if tattooing myself as a reward for losing weight was really worth feeling this sick and nervous over. No idea why I was so scared this time - I was nervous first time around, but that was more apprehension, fear of the unknown. This time I completely knew what I was in for, and could still clearly remember the nature of the pain I went through back in January, and exactly what it felt like. My hands were cold and clammy, nearly slopping Diet Coke all over myself every time I went to have a drink.

Eventually got called round the corner by Chris, his station all clean and prepared. We figured out where it was going, what colours I was having and pressed the stencil against my hip. At this point, my fear seemed to throw all my dignity out the window, as I found myself mumbling about the Stretchmark CENTRAL that seemed to have popped up on my side overnight, and whether they would ruin the tattoo or not - which he assured me wouldn't, if anything, the tattoo would hide them. Eventually he got me lay down on my side on the table, a squeezy Comic Relief red nose toy clutched in my hand (nabbed from work), my top hiked up and my trousers pulled slightly down. As he started the outline and the old, familiar pain kicked in, I found myself jabbering nervously again - completely forgetting that Chris doesn't seem to talk half as much as I do, and has a rather dry sense of humour that takes getting used to (well, if you're me, anyway).

So I nattered away, crushing my stress ball, wincing and trying to stay still and calm. And then from somewhere behind me, one of the men started bollocking his friend - for being a talented tattoo artist and yet cocking up a simple task and mis-placing the tape to prevent paint stains on the floor. Suddenly, we were all laughing, and then - bless him - the same guy wanders over to have a look at my apple, and see how I'm getting on. And what do you know, he was the customer from the newsagent downstairs! No wonder he was looking at me as I wittered on to my friend about shading and outlines.....

Next thing we knew, I had two guys stood over me peering at the work-in-progress, chattering away. My nerves completely vanished as I twisted around to talk to the friendly, funny men who I'd found so intimidating and scary only yesterday. I guess it shows appearances can be deceptive, after all! Maybe they'd sensed I was nervous as I'd sat, pale-faced and quiet in the Reception area, or maybe they were just bored. But they asked why I was getting an apple, how many tattoos I had and whether I'd be back. They assured me that even hardened customers still get nervous when they come in for a new piece, and joked that I "shouldn't drink for 3 weeks" when I mentioned that I was meeting friends afterwards. They showed me some of their tattoos and chattered about future plans for their bodies, (commending my stone-loss-fruit-joined-together-by-filligree-vines idea) and above all, totally distracted me from the pain I thought I'd be going through. And whether they did this on purpose or not, it felt like an act of absolute kindness.

On a side note, I don't know whether it was the distractions, or simply the placement on my body - but (and I feel like such a hypocrite for all the times I sneered at people who say this) this one really didn't hurt that much. I went in prepared for the intense slice-my-skin-open-and-put-your-cigarette-out-in-the-wound pain I'd gone through last time, only to feel a few slivers of bearable pain, a mildly irritating scratching, and even bouts of TICKLISHNESS. Seriously! Can you imagine feeling ticklish over a tattoo? I've heard people say that and thought they were totally batsh!t crazy, but it's true. Which I discovered as I realised, a little too late, that I'd chosen possibly the most ticklish place on my ENTIRE BODY to get one done. Ooops! Tried to lie as still as possible whilst giggling and feeling my feet twitch.

Soon we were nearly done, as the comments from Chris's colleagues veered into the "oh, last bit now, coming up!" territory. Looking at my finished tattoo, I had the same (internal) reaction as last time, when I looked in the mirror and the first thing I thought was; "OH SH!T! It looks NOTHING like I thought it would!! What have I DONE?!" But after the initial 5 seconds, it started looking great, and I remembered how my first one had ellicited the same panicked response, before going on to look amazing once it had "settled in." I guess it's stupid to just assume that tattoo artists can just read your mind and instantly transfer your idea, totally exact, onto your body. Back in the present, I was getting loads of reassurancs from my new friends that it looked brilliant, and felt a momentary twinge of regret that an artist as talented as Chris (whose portfolio boasted huge, intricate, ornate pieces ranging from the religious to the incredible) was stuck on his last appointment of the day doing a small, not-remotely-complex design on a girl who would probably always keep it hidden. But he assured me he'd enjoyed it - especially since he'd put his own spin on the design. I'd simply wanted a red outline, with only the stem (brown) and the leaf (green) shaded in. But after some gentle persuading from the professional, we'd opted for the whole thing to be coloured in..... but with a black outline and some subtle blending of yellow, green and white - to make the apple look more realistic, and give the illusion of a sun spot, reflecting off the surface. I'd never have thought of that. The man's a genius! Well, see for yourself:

I love it. I'm so, so proud of it, in fact, I'm THRILLED. I was proud of the "book-erfly" (See here) but merely because it represented me taking the plunge, finally striking something off my Bucket List, and being brave enough to do something I knew would hurt. I love reading books, and I'm proud that it's what I'm known for. I'm proud of my book collection, and the lessions they can teach me. And, because of the quote and the man it will always remind me of (David), having it done felt like a kind of catharsis, a way of easing the grief somewhat, with a little tribute.
But THIS tattoo, to me, represents achievement. I only had it done a matter of hours ago, and I can almost feel my heart burst with pride and happiness everytime I look down at it. Sure, it's still in the phase where it's all swollen, bumpy, red and sticky and has to keep being washed, but I know it'll look even more lovely when it's healed, like my bookerfly. And most importantly, it's proof - and a constant reminder - that I CAN do something I put my mind to, I HAVE lost weight, and I WILL lose more. Even if someone looks at it and only sees an apple, I will forever know what it means TO ME. And that's the important bit.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

The Terrific Three

Dear Diary,


1) A text from Louise commending me for not succumbing to chocolate temptations and telling me I should maybe "plan a non-eating or drinking payday treat" to stop myself getting tempted by a big night out. The girl read my mind!

On a related note;

2) Paying my tattoo deposit. Had a nice little walk on my lunch hour to make my "down payment," as they say. Slightly awkward moment when I walked in, to face about 6 heavily tattooed guys all staring at me, as I walked through the door in my uber-conservative work clothes and Marks and Spencer's coat, haha. But they were nice enough, and told me to turn up 10 minutes early tomorrow. Eeeeee, excited!

3) Tonight's Big Shop. Not only could I now get my lovely new size-lower swimming costume, but I'm not even kidding - our shopping trolley was about 60% fruit and vegetables. It was actually INSANE. I used to pride myself on hating anything "green" or "rabbit food," but now I've truly changed. To the best of my knowledge, we bought:

Red Peppers
Potatoes (yeah, yeah, I know. But all the better for making SW chips with!)
Spring Onions

Not to mention a TON of yummy meat, fish and pasta, etc.... for new meals. Joel's been cooking tea almost every night for the past few months, so now it's my turn. Not to mention I'm getting the urge to flex my cooking muscle again, especially after spending the whole week in the company of paper, scissors and sellotape, compiling an absolutely MASSIVE collection of recipes accumulated through backdated SW magazines.

I'm not even kidding, there must be 70 recipes in there so far. And the good news is, technically, it can NEVER BE FINISHED. All I need to do is nab some plastic wallets and a file from work, and I'm sorted!


Wednesday, 17 April 2013

The All-Star Challenge



This must only take place on Day 1 (or whichever is traditionally your WORST day) of Star Week

Yourself - as long as you are female


1) Forget to take your Slimming World pre-organised and Syn-calculated packed lunch - but rejoice as it's Payday and options are OPEN.

2) Go to your work canteen for lunch, to treat yourself to your favourite ever can't-be-made-like-this-anywhere-else-in-the-world-payday-treat Chicken, Pasta, Bacon, Egg, Potato, Parmesan, Caeser dressing and Crouton salad..... only to find that said canteen has been completely renovated and the salad bar reduced to a crappy little island in the middle of the room that contains only limp lettuce, one egg, a few peppers, and wilting pasta. Try to remain calm and fight rising panic.

3) Walk to nearby shop in search of salad pot, only to remember that it is lunchtime, and EVERY WORKING PERSON in Manchester has already got there first. Breathe through nose, resist the raging urge to get a Subway, and pick up a Chicken Caesar wrap as the healthiest option. Try not to think about the 8-Syn wrap.

4) Get to the till, only to discover about six of your favourite ever chocolate bars/treats have been reduced to about 40p each. Try not to kill self and/or person behind the till, focus on nearby magazines and walk out.

5) FORCE self to go to the gym, telling yourself that endorphins will help - as dictated by every magazine in the world, EVER. Try to exercise through the intensely painful leg/thigh cramps, and feel the agony every time your legs bounce (on a cross-trainer), flex (on a Hip Abductor) or pump (on a bike). Hide every single moan/wince from nearby boyfriend (for fear of grossing him out) and nearby gym-goers (in case they think you can't handle exercise). Insanely and repeatedly question to yourself which absolute fricking MORON decided that endorphins/exercise would help with period pain..... before hobbling home in exact same amount of agony as before - only a lot more sweaty.

Have fun, kids!


Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Fruit and Ink

Dear Diary,

I have had the BEST idea. Actually, I had it a while ago, but today I finalised it. And it is so wonderful, I can't believe I didn't think of it earlier.

A while ago, I thought it'd be nice to reward myself with something every Payday, as long as I'd lost more weight than gained in that month. A nice treat, something I could keep, not eat, and be reminded of whenever I use/look at it. I didn't want to opt for clothes - as Mum and Auntie Pam have promised me a huge shopping trip when I hit my 2 Stone, and I've never been much of a shoe girl. And then it hit me:

Every time I lose a stone..... I am going to get a tattoo.

Even better - I am going to get a tattoo of a piece of fruit or veg, as a constant reminder to eat/stay healthy, and to remind me how far I've come. I get practically GIDDY everytime I think about it, and love the idea of looking down and seeing a beautiful piece of art, that represents physical proof of what I've done (because god knows, I can't see the physical proof anywhere else, so far). I've done extensive research and seen some truly gorgeous tattoos of fruit (which I honestly didn't think could look so pretty) - and so have decided to choose an Apple as my first 1-stone-lost piece. Simple, nice-looking and obvious - not to mention the only fruit in the world I actually ENJOY eating. It's now a firm part of my daily routine, a Superfree food, and has a shape so classic and recogniseable, it'll always look lovely, in any form. Not to mention the one I've designed (a swirly, fairytale-esque outline drawing) is quite small, and so shouldn't take too long (good job, I'm a complete wuss!) or take up too much room on my body.

The plan after that is to get two peppers lay down together for my 2 Stone, and a slice of watermelon for my 3 Stone (see below for designs, plus Apple) - if, god willing, I get that far! And if I do, then the next step would be to maybe link or surround all the fruit with a beautiful black-and-grey Filligree vine or something - just to finish it off and make it a really intricate, pretty piece!

Booked the Apple for Friday afternoon after work - have decided to have it on my hip, right above the trouser/underwear line...... so it can stay completely hidden, and no-one will ever know it's there apart from me. Well, and the readers of this blog. And Joel, I guess. Unless I ever get to wear a bikini again - in which case, I truly won't mind showing off my body at that point!


Monday, 15 April 2013

Post-Apocalypse Weigh-In


Once again, I seem to be at that indeterminable phase of Slimming World where I listlessly bob around the same weight for weeks on end - before having either an impressive loss or unbelievable gain. Hopefully this week signals the start of the former..... That said, after the week I've just had, 1/2 a pound is WAY less than I was expecting to gain, so WOOOO!! Have that, bitches!

Something felt different at Group this week, though. Maybe it was Mum's relentless whispered encouragement, or the fact that I was properly paying attention during Image Therapy.... but I suddenly felt incredibly happy. I'd had a CATASTROPHIC week and yet still only gained a measley half a pound - and any belated fall-out from that could quickly be obliterated in the gym. I had absolutely NO social engagements this week (god, that sounds sad!) and more importantly - Payday on Thursday meant a nice big fat healthy Big Shop, all the better to pack my trolley with fruit and veg again!

Had my usual Skype/FaceTime with Louise tonight (Alex absent due to Manchester visit) - who managed to make me feel considerably better and positive. Can't wait for her to get the package * I sent back with Alex - the one I mentioned a few entries ago, which I was supposed to post, but ended up sending via personal courier instead! Fingers crossed the girls both find them useful......


* For those who don't know, the packages contained a Slimming World book each (containing the complete rules, guidelines and Syn-tables), a Food Diary, a personal letter, and a certificate (2 stone for L, Club 10 for A)

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Breakfast and Burgers

Dear Diary,

Whilst I'm almost POSITIVE now that I've royally screwed Slimming World over this week (more on that in a moment), it has to be said that this weekend was PRETTY GODDAMN AMAZING. Well, mostly Saturday, as I was working today. But, still.

Started Saturday off with a bang as Joel and I went to Mum's shop for a catch-up and a free brekky. Joel had his usual fry-up, and I - with a little prompting from Mum, given how lost I was! - opted for bacon and scrambled egg with tomatoes, grilled mushrooms, and 1 slice of wholemeal toast.

Look at that, huh? Look at THAT shit! Can you BELIEVE I can eat all that for breakfast on Slimming World? Because I sure as hell still can't! I don't even eat whole tomatoes normally, and I've certainly never claimed to like mushrooms - but possibly only because they look so gross and rubbery. In reality, they weren't actually that bad.

Got home, promising each other we'd let our food settle before frequenting the gym, but an hour later and we were still rolling around moaning, full to bursting. Not to mention I was meeting Alex (up for a visit) in town soon after. So we sacked it off AGAIN - making it only once this week that we actually went. Not proud.

That said, I had a brilliant time seeing Alex again - except for a slight moment when she suggested a place she really wanted to go for lunch, only for me to realise it's a BURGER BAR. But to be fair, it is literally the coolest burger bar IN THE WORLD. It's called "Almost Famous" in the Northern Quarter, and actually has people QUEUEING outside to go in. With a bouncer. It's like Harry Ramsden's in Blackpool, you can't physically even go in until a table's opened up. But DAMN, was it worth the wait. Situated upstairs like a groovy attic appartment, a bar as big as the room itself, and balls-achingly cool artwork on the walls, you can see why people would queue to get in. Sadly, there wasn't a single salad to be seen ANYWHERE on the menu, so had to opt for the plain (if you can call it that) "Famous Burger" with "Trailer Trash Fries" (chips smothered with onions, BBQ sauce and mustard).

Didn't even have a drink afterwards, since I'd pretty much had an entire WEEK'S worth of Syns just round the corner on Wednesday night. But it didn't even seem to matter, just sitting and having a laugh and a catch-up with friends was enough.

On the way home I stopped in at Asda for a random browse around the clothing department - and wouldn't you know it, I've actually gone DOWN a size! So I guess Mum was right - a stone really does make all the difference! Goodbye 20, hello 18's! (I'm aware that 18 is still too high for a girl my age, but one step at a time, eh?) So, managed to squeeze comfortably into some size 18 jeans, a size 16 (but stretchy) pencil skirt, and a Size 18 swimming costume. Which I'm SO treating myself, come payday - given that the only cossie I own is my Mum's old Size 22 one which is bright pink, flower-patterned and allows my boobs to flop out hideously. Won't be sad to say goodbye to that!


Thursday, 11 April 2013

Bad times and Good times

Dear Diary,

As the entry title suggests, the last two days haven't been too great. They got better, but after a slight nosedive on Tuesday morning - where Joel and I ended up having a big fall-out over something so stupid and small, that it was actually offensive to think how long we stopped speaking to each other over it. The long and short of it was that I spent my whole well-earned Tuesday off sat downstairs, upset and scarfing everything in site, and getting steadily drunk on a bottle of (very slimming!) 5% wine. On the bright side, I won said wine at Group on Monday night (which I forgot to mention!) - as I was announced the winner of the Easter-themed Ladder to Success draw for losing the most (12lbs) in that time period!

So, sadly spent all day writing, lazing around and eating/drinking everything in site. Completely sacked off the gym, and had to get my own tea - instead of partaking in our usual happy, healthy domestic preparation.

The good news is, we made up on Wednesday, after Joel rang me on our lunch break to apologise - first, as well, which he never does! Twenty times happier, I floated home where we bolted down a quick tea and got ready to watch the band next door (Clockwork Radio) perform at the Night and Day cafe in town. Had an amazing night, but sadly the gig-priced vodka and diet cokes, plus the pre-gig remains of the 5% wine, PLUS the bottle of my most favourite Rose (which Joel bought to "make it up" to me - awwwwww!) meant a bad night for Slimming World.

The band - close up!

Actually woke up feeling like my stomach had gone on a rollercoaster ride without me, and the results weren't pretty. I'm kinda used to hangovers by now - but recently my digestive system seems to have undergone some kind of strange alchemy. Before, I could've downed pitchers of cocktails, every spirit-and-mixer under the sun, multitudes of shots and alcopops, and vast amounts of cider - on one night out alone.

Par Example:

Now, I can only have about HALF of that, and it almost seems to affect me worse. It's the same with food. After a night out at uni, I used to stagger home with an ENTIRE 10-INCH PIZZA, or the old student favourite of chips, cheese and mayonaise, and demolish them in the blink of an eye. Last night, in a drunken we-have-absolutely-no-junk-food-in-the-house haze, Joel rang for a Dominos - to my excitement. And yet, when it arrived, a tiny sober part of my brain seemed to kick in - leaving me feeling full and queasy after a mere 2 slices......

I guess my capacities have well and truly changed now. Oh well, good riddance!


Monday, 8 April 2013

Small losses


Hurray! Not much to discuss tonight, really - I've tried quite hard this past week and obviously it's gained a result, however small! Every little helps, as they say.

Now I'm getting closer to my 1.5 (mile)stone, I can feel that old spark again - that feeling of WANTING to do well, wanting to slim faster and reach goals quicker..... as opposed to listlessly bobbing around the half-stone or 1-stone mark for months on end. I can't wait. I'm only a couple of pounds away - and only about 1 pound away from going down to the Stone below (16)! So this is it now - a renewed outlook. I'm gonna push myself harder, and work for a goal - ain't nobody gonna slow me down, ain't nobody gonna break-a my stride.....
Actually, that may be a song lyric. But my point is, this week is gonna be a TRYING week!

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Lobster tales

Dear Diary,

Today Joel and I went for a really nice walk in town - adding more Body Magic to the 3 gym sessions we'd already done this week. It seems that every time we go to town he's able to show me more and more of Manchester - we must've ended up walking about 5 miles at least. But the best part was when we walked past the Radisson Hotel (which I didn't even know they had in the city centre!) which had a special in the Alto restaurant - Lobster or Steak with skinny fries and salad (containing banana shallots) for just £15!! How AMAZING is that?!

It was absolutely beautiful as well, haven't had lobster in about 3 years. But thanks to the special diggy-gougey cutlery they give you, it seems I haven't lost the knack. And they even offer to re-fill your fries/salad! Didn't have seconds, so felt very virtuous too. It just goes to show that you can eat out and stick to Slimming World after all! And before any naysayers shout down the chips, they were used as Syns.
On a side note, it gets so annoying when people shout me down for having Syn-ful things. My brother, people at work, occasionally family - it's the most irritating thing in the world. I try explaining, every single time that you're allowed an allocated amount of Syns every day, and that bad things ARE allowed on the diet, in moderation. Mayonaise, salad croutons, cheese, certain crisps..... it's so frustrating sometimes hearing "oh, should you be eating that? Wouldn't you be better off NOT having it?" I know they mean well, but every time I try to explain about Syns, I just get the disapproving Look. Such a pain, sometimes.....

Friday, 5 April 2013

Thought for the Day #5

The comforting thought that at one point - even the most beautiful woman in the world had a poochy tummy and wasn't completely toned all over!

Magazine musings

Dear Diary,

Today, I wanted to talk about the Slimming World magazine. I know I've mentioned it before in passing but I found something out last week that fuelled my interest even further. Tim, from our group, who recently won Man of the Year - is going to be FEATURED IN THE MAGAZINE!!

They're running a Father's Day feature in the June/July edition, and Tim's going to be featured! He's been at our Group from before I started last year, and lost over 3 stone - you should see his Before photos! Anyway, last week he was telling us all about his journey to the Slimming World magazine and what it involved - it turns out to be in the magazine you have to email them your story, and if they choose you, you go down to London and they pay for your travel and lunch - and they write up your story whilst photographing you and do all your hair and make-up for you.

I know it's a long while off, but upon losing 4 stone (mine, Alex and Louise's personal goals) - we're definitely going to try and get a story into the magazine, maybe along the theme of how you don't need to be in the same city to slim together, and the power of technology and how we Skype every week, etc.... It's certainly different enough, haven't seen any similar stories so far - and I've got all of Mum's back collection since last year!

And while it sounds a little vain, I can't imagine anything cooler than seeing myself and the girls all coiffed and unrecogniseable, kitted out in beautiful dresses - to show all our friends, co-workers and family how hard we worked.



Thursday, 4 April 2013

Lunch box

Dear Diary,

Just for anyone out there who may be interested - now I've gotten back into the Slimming World swing of things - this is what my usual work-day's food consists of:

10am or, if I start getting hungry  - Apple (Superfree)

11:30 right before Break - Baby Bel Lite (Healthy Extra A)

11:45 on Break - Apple, (if I haven't already eaten it) a tin of Mackerel in Tomato sauce (Free), and a Hi Fi bar (Healthy Extra B), if not having a sandwich for lunch

1:00 on Lunch - Leftovers from last night's tea, OR Chicken Mugshot (Free), French Fries crisps (4 syns) and sandwich made up of Ham (Free), Extra Lite Mayo (1 syn) and 2 slices of wholemeal bread (Healthy Extra B)

2:15 after lunch - Fat Free Yoghurt (0.5 syns)

6:30 tea - Healthy Slimming World recipe tea that usually contains meat/fish (Free) with potatos, pasta or rice (Free) and a homemade salad (Superfree)

As lame as it sounds, being so organised feels brilliant - it's kinda fun to arrange and prepare my lunch every night, like some kind of ritual to do every day, on the step to slimming further!


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

3 quick thoughts......


A really quick and easy tea: Fish Cakes with a homemade Salad (only 3 Syns per small Fish Cake)

Another quick and easy (although more Syn-ful at 12.5 a pop) tea - Chicken Kiev. But have tons of veg with it, and have an extra-low amount of Syns for the day...... instead maximising Healthy Extras and Free Food.
A really quick and easy idea for lunch at work (which I literally came up with in 5 seconds flat) contains 4 ingredients and only 1 Syn:
Tuna (in brine, drained)
Red Onion (chopped)
1 tablespoon of Extra Lite Mayo
Mix all together and SCOFF.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Easter Weekend

Dear Diary,

You find me at the end of a very long and knackering Easter weekend - but a lot of fun, nontheless. Every week at Group, Joan always asks us if we have any hurdles to overcome, or anything that could trip us up in the coming week - and this week I had 3.

FRIDAY - Was a Good Friday BBQ held at Joel's friend's house in Macclesfield. Despite an early finish for Joel and I (See: SATURDAY), multiple amounts of vodka and Diet Coke were consumed. Still had fish though, in keeping ever-so-slightly with Good Friday rules.

SATURDAY - Was a day spent at Auntie Pam's, helping with the gardening. Whilst Joel bore the brunt of the work with a Rotivator (that weighed roughly the same amount as a TERMINATOR), I was able to squeeze some Body Magic in myself, in a display that involved some rotting camp chairs, a sledgehammer, and some very theraputic prison-yard-style work..... Were rewarded for our efforts with huge bowls of veg-laded Spaghetti Bolognese (good) and 3 glasses of Rose wine (not so good). Totally worth it, though.....

SUNDAY - Was invited to an Easter buffet, courtesey of Mum and her over-zealous hosting skills. Whole family turned up for an evening of fun, frolics, games...... and a Roast that could feed the Seven Nation Army. Seriously - it was a whole 24 hours ago and I still feel like I'm more Beef than Human..... But yeah - it consisted of beef, potatos, carrots, broccolli, cauliflower, and the smallest Yorkshire Puddings - with no dessert or alcohol (well, on my part) - so whilst huge in quantity, definitely making up in Slimming World quality. Although Sean did organise an Egg-hunt, so ended up scarfing 3 mini Creme Eggs at 2 Syns each, gulp. Mind you, I am the NADS at egg-hunting, ever since I was 5. Actually won way more than 3, but gave the rest away in a fit of Slimming guilt.

MONDAY - Was the day Joel and I took Grandma home, which involved an hour-long car journey back to Sheffield. As a thank you, she treated us to lunch - so opted for a very healthy Bacon and Black Pudding salad (ate as little as possible of the Black Pud) and Chicken with chips (ditto) and veg, in a leek and mushroom sauce. Only to be informed by Mum later on that sauces aren't actually healthy, however many veg they contain. D'oh!

Had a sneaky peek on the scales at home (which I never normally use, for fear of gaining an in-between Groups addiction) and I seem to have put on 1 pound this week. Well, even if they're not  accurate and being that I totally trust the SW scales more than these - at least it's not THAT much. 1 pound can easily be lost!
