Monday, 25 July 2011



Oh, bloody hell. I should have know there would be weeks when I had a gain - we're only human of course - but this is still a bit of a pain. I'm not remotely surprised if I'm honest, this week hasn't been the greatest. Both Joel and I, doing loads of work on the house (which had no fridge or electricity till recently), have been basically living on a diet of take-outs, McDonald's and Subways - things you only needs gas to cook, or things you don't need to cook at all. Bad times. A tiny part of me was hoping all the dismantling/rubbish-clearing/stairs-climbing would have shifted some weight, but a much bigger part of me had screwed up, and I knew it. And we've both booked most of this week off work to do more House stuff - so I predict more screw-ups.....

Obviously Mum was disappointed but the Group were much more diplomatic - sympathising, offering solutions and ideas..... Louise suggested getting back on track, now I knew where I'd gone wrong, and focusing on avoiding those pitfalls in future. Sounds like a plan!

On a side note, the house is going splendidly - have painted 2 bedrooms, decorated one, put multiple pictures up, moved furniture and stuff in, and even explored the local area! Downside - there are McDonald's and Subways in easy walking distance. Upsides - they are situated right in front of an Asda, packed full of cheap healthy Free foods! AND we live in a cul-de-sac off the main road - which means that every day, I have to climb a slight hill to get to work. Morning exercise, anyone?

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