Today wasn't too bad - felt happy enough in my weight loss to brave bare legs to work..... something I haven't done in YEARS. OK, so I was wearing stockings, but still, the pins were on display! Ran out of Hi Fi bars though, didn't realise until break just how dependant I was on them, which kinda sucked. Not to mention I'd had a slight row with Joel last night, which just made me want to eat EVERYTHING in the break room vending machine. Just as well I'm utterly skint, otherwise I probably would have. Have found though, that being skint really helps with weight loss - not having money means I can't spend money in the staff canteen - which means I have to make my own salads at home for lunch. Result! Free in every sense of the word.....
Anyway, pottered over to Joel's workplace at lunch to apologize - and at his suggestion ended up going for lunch at MacDonald's. Got a chicken sandwich, so at least I tried. Oh well, it was fun anyway, and at least we made up! Turns out I was completely over-reacting anyway.
Got back to my desk and ate completely Free snacks all afternoon which cheered me up no end. Spent my last tenner on healthy stuff at Iceland and had minted lamb burgers for tea. Good times!
It's Joel's friend Taylor's birthday night out tomorrow, so that should be fun. Actually, I'm really looking forward to it.
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