Dear Diary,
Yeah, you read that right. For some mad, unknown reason, when it got to Monday's weigh-in at Group, I had gained 4 pounds. I heard every theory possible from everybody...... from "pre-menstrual water retention" (a little bit early, haha!) and "muscle gain from all the swimming", to "my "body catching up from the alcoholic excesses of last week." I barely heard any of it, to be honest - I was too busy being upset. But it was different this time, I was more determined than weepy - and immediately called Joel to come and pick me up (feeling that nothing could be gained from staying at Group) and take me straight to the gym to put in an hour before Skype-ing the girls. Which, I definitely thing was the better option!
Incidentally, we found out that evening that - according to Louise's infamous spreadsheet - it has almost been a year since we all started Slimming World! So we're planning to all weigh ourselves at home next week, and whatever weight comes up, that will be our "One Year Weight." Good plan, right? Well, in theory, given that my scales have suddenly decided to spaz out and stop working..... May have to try the Asda pharmacy!
As for the rest of this week - things have been going well so far, I think. Haven't had any slip-ups or binges.... have stuck RELENTLESSLY to healthy eating and avoided hot chocolates at work. And the even better news is that Sian's mum got in touch with me, to tell me that her hen do (this Saturday) is going to take place at Panama Hatty's, and the theme is 40's. So, not only can I dig out one of my most flattering dresses (see below), but also I got the chance to read the menu and plan my meal in advance! Have chosen Anchovies on toast to start (anchovies on crostini with chopped tomatoes and onions) and Salmon Ristotto for main. And, of course, NO PUDDING!! Going to try and steer clear of alcohol of course, but it's me. And one of my best friends. And a hen party. What else can happen? Just going to do my best, and try and at least order low-syn drinks, if not ALL Diet Cokes.
The dress!
Swimming this week has been MAGNIFICENT. Thanks to a promise Joel and I made last week, we've been taking full advantage of the pool in our gym, not just on Friday's like we used to - but EVERY NIGHT. The plan was to do 50 lengths a night (it's only open for an hour), which has so far gone well! It's hard as anything, but feels totally worth it once you get going. Last night it was only open for half an hour, so was going to just stick to 25 lengths - until I got a text from Louise proclaiming that I should "try for 30 - I want to see you sweat, O'Connor!" And try I did - not only did I hit 31 lengths, but the exercise also seemed to fix my knee, which I pulled on Tuesday.
Swimming really is magnificent though, can't believe how long it took me to start doing it properly again! The only thing that dampened it slightly was the reaction I got from the gym-bunny friend at work - who couldn't believe I'd given up the gym for a week "just to swim." That really irritated me - swimming totally helps you lose weight! And it doesn't "just tone your body" (as he claimed), but it's low impact, easier, more pleasant, you use your whole body AND burns up to 500 calories an hour. And that's just MODERATE swimming, really caning it can burn up to 700! I'd have to be in the gym for 3 HOURS to burn that amount! If anything else, swimming's been named as the 2nd best exercise possible! He needs to read a goddamn book.
Not to mention it's therapeutic, too! I can't tell you how much I forget all my trivial little problems and worries when I'm thrashing my way up and down the pool. I even came up with a little analogy last night, whilst somewhere around the 26th length.
See, it occurred to me, that starting to swim again was like getting a tattoo. You decide you want to go for it, you start it off, the first few minutes hurt like hell, and you find yourself wondering why it seemed like a good idea. After the next few lengths, you realise there's still a long way to go, and there's no point bitching about it. By the time you hit halfway, you've set your mind to the task - you know you're in it for the long haul...... and whilst the pain is still there, you're resigned to it, and are even able to ignore it. By the last stretch, the pain is non-existent, the feelings are pleasant, and all you can think about are the bragging rights you've earned. And by the end? Well, you're drained, exhausted and achy, but by god, you know you're going to end up with a beautiful result :-)
Yeah, it's corny, I know! Anyway, I'm off again to the pool in 10 minutes, so better get my cossie ready!
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